Congratulations on receiving a Fulbright grant! The resources on this page are designed to familiarize you with your host location and provide important context and information as you prepare to travel abroad. We encourage you to review the readings, websites, and logistical information offered by local contacts. Click the section headings below to display the information.
- Contact Information
Fulbright: The Netherlands
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 19
1012 RC Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 5315930
Email: info@fulbright.nlPoint of Contact
U.S. Scholars and StudentsMs. Linda PietersenFulbright Program ManagerTel. +31 20 5315930Email: l.pietersen@fulbright.nlMr. Christward Gradenwitz,
Executive Director
Tel: +31 20 5315930
- Country Information
- State Department Country Information – Netherlands
- State Department Netherlands Factsheet
- Smart Traveler Enrollment Program
- Fulbright Netherlands US Student Resources Page
- Fulbright Netherlands U.S. Scholar Resources Page
- Dutch News
Our Fulbrighters and CSPers have inspired and impressed us throughout the years. These blog posts were written by our program participants and will give you a glimpse into the Fulbright and CSP experience in the United States and the Netherlands.
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