Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

Which Award is Right for Me?

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers over 400 awards in more than 135 countries for U.S. citizens to teach, conduct research and carry out professional projects around the world.  College and university faculty, as well as artists and professionals from a wide range of fields can join over 400,000 Fulbrighters who have come away with enhanced skills, new connections, and greater mutual understanding.

Interested faculty and professionals are encouraged to consider the following types of awards.

For a full list of our award offerings, please visit the U.S. Scholars Awards Search.

1. Fulbright Scholar Awards

U.S. Scholar

Fulbright Scholar Awards comprise the bulk of awards offered and include opportunities for professionals, artists, and scholars at all career levels. Location and eligibility vary across all awards, and some awards may be restricted to certain career levels or types of scholars. This information is outlined in the award description.

Please see here for opportunities within the U.S. Scholar program:

2. Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards

U.S. Scholar

Distinguished Scholar awards are viewed as the most prestigious appointments in the Fulbright Scholar Program. Awards are open to scholars who have more than seven years of experience in their discipline or area of expertise, though some awards may further restrict eligibility. Distinguished Scholars are expected to actively engage host institutions in a spirit of promoting mutual understanding and sharing knowledge.

3. Fulbright Postdoctoral Awards 

U.S. Scholar

Postdoctoral Awards provide recently graduated scholars an opportunity to conduct research and receive professional training abroad. Awards may involve limited teaching. Postdoctoral Awards are open to scholars who will have received a doctoral degree (Ph.D., J.D., M.D., Ed.D., etc.) within five to seven years of the fellowship start date, as noted in the award description. Degree conferment before the start of the award is mandatory. Institutional affiliation in the United States is not required.

4. Fulbright International Education Administrator Awards 

U.S. Scholar

This award provides international education professionals and senior higher education officials an opportunity to engage in a two-week intensive seminar to learn about the host country’s education system and establish networks of U.S. and international colleagues.

How long are Fulbright opportunities?

Fulbright opportunities range from a few months to a full year and many of our awards offer flexible durations. Each award outlines the duration and potential start dates. Many awards offer a Flex option which is designed for Scholars who require multiple visits to the host country. This option allows grants to be conducted over short segments, preferably during the fall and/or spring semesters. Applicants should clearly indicate plans for Flex in their project statement and include a project timeline.

View list of awards that allow for a Flex option.

Career Profile

Distinguished Scholar (Mid-Career/Senior Academics) 

Distinguished Scholar applicants have more than seven years of experience in their discipline or area of expertise, though some awards may further restrict eligibility. Although Distinguished Scholars are eligible and can apply for most of the Scholar Awards, we encourage mid-career and senior academics to view the Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Awards

Postdoctoral Scholars 

Postdoctoral scholars will have received a doctoral degree (Ph.D., J.D., M.D., Ed.D., etc.) within five to seven years of the fellowship start date, as noted in the award description. Degree conferment before the start of the award is mandatory.  Early Career Academics are those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for no more than seven years. Check out the Postdoctoral Awards in our catalog of awards. 


Professionals are defined as those who have more than seven years of experience in a particular profession. Be sure to read the award parameters closely to determine that you meet the degree requirements. We encourage you to visit the Professional opportunities in our catalog of awards.   


The Fulbright Scholar program welcomes artists who have more than seven years of experience in any artistic profession to apply for our awards. Be sure to read the award parameters closely to determine that you meet the degree requirements. For awards specific to artists, visit the Artists opportunities in our award search. 

Community College Educators and Administrators 

Community College faculty and administrators are encouraged to apply for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar program. Although these awards specifically welcome Community College faculty, be sure to visit the U.S. Scholar Award Search to find the right opportunity you. 

Higher Education Administrators and Executives 

Those who have been working in the capacity of administrators or executives with a focus on the international dimensions of U.S. campuses are welcome to apply for the Fulbright Scholar Program. Opportunities to note include the Fulbright International Education Administrators Awards which are fully-funded two-week seminars abroad to learn about other countries’ higher education systems. Be sure to visit the Higher Education Administrators and Executives opportunities as well as the U.S. Scholar Awards for which you may be eligible. 

Independent Scholar 

No U.S. institutional affiliation is required to apply for a Fulbright Scholar Award unless otherwise noted. We encourage Independent Scholars to search for awards that match their level of academic degree and scholarly discipline. As long as a Scholar has the requisite degree and experience to match the Award Requirements, an Independent Scholar’s application will be competitive! 

Retired and Emeriti Applicants 

The Fulbright Scholar Program encourages retired faculty and Emeriti to apply for awards. In fact, Scholar Awards are an excellent post-retirement opportunity for Scholars to use their considerable years of teaching and research experience to fulfill Fulbright’s mission of citizen diplomacy. 

As is required of all applicants, the project statement should address the expected impact, outcomes, and benefits of the Fulbright, including to the host country and the U.S..


Timeline for U.S. Scholars

The 2026-2027 Fulbright U.S. Scholar competition is now open.

If you are a non-U.S. citizen, please review the Non-U.S (Visiting) Scholar programs.

February Graphic


Program competition opens for opportunities in the 2026-2027 academic year.

September graphics

Application Deadlines for the 2026-2027 competition: 

  • U.S. Scholar Program: September 15, 2025, 5:00 PMEDT (UTC -4:00) 
  • International Education Administrator (IEA) Awards: Refer to IEA page for award-specific deadline dates; all applications due at 5:00 PM Eastern Time.

Once an applicant submits their application, they receive an email from scholars@iie.org confirming submission of their application. 

Following the application deadline, IIE conducts a preliminary screening of applications for eligibility and technical completeness. Applications are reviewed individually to ensure they meet program and award requirements. Applications are assigned to a discipline-based peer review committee using information included in the application including the indicated project discipline and specialization.

If an application is found to be ineligible and/or missing required application component(s), IIE will notify the applicant of this outcome. 

Only eligible and complete applications are forwarded to the next phase, which is peer review. 

October-November graphic

Peer Review

Discipline-based Peer Review Committees read and assess applications against the Review Criteria, and meet to review and determine whether or not applications are recommended for further consideration in the host country. Peer review committees are comprised of U.S.-based academics and professionals with relevant expertise.

December graphic

Peer Review Notification

Following the conclusion of peer review, applicants are notified by email of the status of their application, recommended or not recommended. Applications not recommended in the peer review phase are not forwarded to the next phase of review. 

If your email address has changed since you submitted your application, please update your application with your new address. You can also log into the application portal to check for a status update if you are concerned about missing an email notification. Please note decisions are not communicated by phone.

December-May graphic


All recommended applications are forwarded to the Public Affairs Sections of U.S. Embassies (Posts) or binational Fulbright Commissions overseas, the U.S. Department of State, and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board for review. Selection decisions and timing can be influenced by a number of factors, including available funding, the number of applications received, country priorities, and any host institution administrative procedures (if applicable). All three entities must approve selection decisions before candidates can be notified. Not all applications that were recommended in the peer review process will be selected for grants.

This phase of the review process normally requires several months, it is important that applicants do not make any irreversible arrangements based upon the expectation of receiving an award.

Applications that are not recommended do not move forward to this phase.

January-June Graphic

Selection Notification

Please note that IIE cannot predict in advance when the final selection results will become available, neither for a particular country nor a specific award.

Applicants are notified by email of the final status of their application, selectee, alternate, or non-select. 

  • Selectee: A candidate who has been offered a Fulbright U.S. Scholar award, contingent upon obtaining a secured placement at an institution in your host country, official research clearance from the host country (where applicable), satisfactory medical clearance, a visa, if required, and submission of all required grant documents.
  • Alternate: A candidate who may be promoted to Selectee status if additional funding becomes available. We provide alternate candidates with an update by late summer of each year.
  • Non-Select: A candidate who is no longer under consideration for a Fulbright award.

If your email address has changed since you submitted your application, please update your application with your new address. You can also log into the application portal to check for a status update if you are concerned about missing an email notification. Please note decisions are not communicated by phone.

June-Onward Graphic

Grant details are finalized and grants may begin per start dates listed in the  Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards

For some countries, an orientation may be scheduled for applicants selected for grants.

What are the safety and security protocols in place for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program?
Please see our safety, health and security page for more information.

Which Activity is Right For Me?

If you are a non-U.S. citizen, please review the Non-U.S (Visiting) Scholar programs.


Teaching includes classroom teaching, as well as giving guest lectures, workshops, and seminars, and engaging in other related activities. Classroom teaching is typically at the undergraduate and graduate level, and courses may be designed by the scholar or prescribed by the host institution and may be taught or co-taught by the scholar. The teaching load varies by award, as well as the host institution. Scholars may also consult on building research capacity, advise graduate students, and assist with thesis advising.


Research includes activities involving scientific research, qualitative research, quantitative research, and practice-based research, including artistic research. Research can take place in locations such as the laboratory, the field, the archives, or an artist residency. It can be experimental, clinical, or applied. It can include examining policies, systems, theories, methods, interactions, and works of art and music, with the objective to evaluate or develop new knowledge or works. Quantifiable (tangible) outcomes can include publications (books, journal articles, scripts, etc.), conference presentations, artistic and musical compositions, exhibitions, performances, films, and patents.

IRB approval is not required at the time of application; however, applicants should abide by all ethical requirements before commencing their research on human and/or animal subjects through a Fulbright award.


Many awards allow participants to conduct both research and teaching as defined above. Some awards will indicate the percentage that should be devoted to teaching compared to research while other awards allow the candidates to select their own percentage breakdown.

Professional Project

The Professional Project Award Activity is an opportunity for applicants to pursue projects that would enhance their professional development and the field at large. 

Professional Projects may include, but are not limited to:

  • Professional consultations or exchange of expertise with other professionals
  • Artist residencies
  • Visits to organizations in the applicant's field
  • Practical experience in day-to-day operations
  • Public lectures
  • Mentoring
  • Arranging and planning exhibitions
  • Performances or musical compilations
  • Participation in public events
  • Preparation of print materials (books, articles, or reviews)

If your project involves classroom teaching, as opposed to public or guest lectures, then please apply for the Teaching Award Activity.

If your proposed project answers a research question or will have research outcomes, then please apply for the Research Award Activity. 

Eligibility Essentials for U.S. Scholars

If you are a non-U.S. citizen, please review the Non-U.S (Visiting) Scholar programs.

Fulbright U.S Scholar applicants must meet all program eligibility requirements by the application deadline. Applicants must also meet award eligibility requirements by the application deadline unless specific exceptions are indicated in the award.

The complete Fulbright policies for U.S. Lecturers and Research Scholars are available here (Chapter 600). 

U.S. citizenship 

Citizenship icon

Applicants must hold U.S. citizenship by the application deadline. Permanent residence is not sufficient. 

Dual citizenship: In some cases, a dual citizen may not be eligible to participate in a Fulbright program in the country of their other nationality due to host country law or policy. Individual award descriptions specify whether this is a point of ineligibility in the award requirements section.

Residency abroad

Residency icon

Applicants who have resided abroad for five or more years in the six-year period preceding the application deadline are ineligible. A period of nine months or more during a calendar year constitutes a full year.

Education, Experience, Career Profile

Degree icon

Applicants are expected to demonstrate they meet the education, experience, and career profile requirements stated in the award. This may include addressing the nature of their terminal degree and/or experience in the application. 

Award descriptions specify where a Ph.D., other terminal degree, or comparable professional qualifications are required. A terminal degree refers to the highest degree awarded in a field. The degree level can vary by academic and professional field, as not all terminal degrees are doctorates. (Please refer to this list of common terminal degrees.) If a terminal degree is required, degree conferment before the fellowship start date is mandatory.

Postdoc awards are open to scholars who will have received a doctoral degree (Ph.D., J.D., M.D., Ed.D., etc.) within five years of the fellowship start date, unless otherwise noted on the award description’s Award Requirements section.

Graduate or doctoral students seeking funding to complete their degrees are ineligible. Recent college graduates with limited professional experience are ineligible and should instead apply to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program.

Experience gained as an undergraduate student does not count toward years of experience for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program (including internships and Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards). 

Prior Fulbright Scholar Awards and Other Programs

Fulbright Icon

Recipients of a Fulbright Scholar award are eligible to apply for another award two years after the date of completion of the previous award. For Flex grants, the two-year period begins at the end of the final grant in the series. Fulbright Scholar grants include: Fulbright U.S. Scholar, International Education Administrator Seminar, Fulbright Arctic, and Fulbright Visiting Scholar. Preference for Fulbright Scholar opportunities will be given to candidates who have not previously received a Fulbright Scholar grant. 

Recipients of a Fulbright Specialist Program grant are not required to adhere to the two-year waiting period before applying for a Fulbright Scholar award. Applicants may be on the Specialist roster, but may not carry out both a U.S. Scholar grant and a Specialist grant simultaneously. 

You are eligible to apply to the Fulbright Scholar Program while on the Fulbright Specialist roster. Recipients of a Fulbright Specialist Program grant are not required to adhere to the two-year waiting period before applying for a Fulbright Scholar grant. Likewise, recipients of a Fulbright Scholar grant are not required to adhere to the two-year waiting period before applying for or receiving a Fulbright Specialist Program grant.

Department of State employees and their immediate family

Employment Icon

Employees and their immediate families (i.e. spouses and dependent children) of the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development (paid or unpaid, including part-time or temporary employees, consultants, externs, fellows and contract employees; does not include interns), and of public or private agencies (excluding educational institutions) under contract to the U.S. Department of State to perform administrative or screening services on behalf of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ exchange programs are ineligible to apply for a Fulbright award until one year after termination of such employment. 

Additional U.S. Scholar Additional Eligibility Factors

  • Employment: The following are ineligible to apply for a Fulbright award until one year after termination of such engagement. An officer of an organization, in the U․S․ or abroad, including members of boards of trustees or similar governing bodies, or individuals otherwise associated with the organization, wherein the organization and the individuals are responsible for nominating or selecting individuals for participation in any U․S․ Department of State exchange program; a current board member or staff of the Institute of International Education or the Council for International Exchange of Scholars; a board member or staff of a Fulbright Commission; a member of the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board; an Alumni Ambassador for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program.
  • Grant Activity: Grants shall not authorize engagement in pastoral, missionary, or other professional religious activities.
  • Grant Activity: Grants shall not authorize engagement in activities for which a license to practice medicine or nursing is required.
  • Language requirements: Foreign language proficiency may be required depending on the country, type of grant activity (teaching or research), and the nature of the proposed projects. (Note: In many world areas, English is sufficient for teaching activities.)  If required, this is noted in the Award requirements section of a specific award.
  • Sound physical and mental health: Candidates selected for awards are required to submit a Medical History and Examination Report before their grants can be finalized. (This is not part of the application and selection process; this process takes place after candidates selected for grants are notified of their selection.) 
  • Applicants are required to disclose if they have been arrested for, indicted for, or charged with a felony or a misdemeanor (excluding minor traffic violations, juvenile convictions, or cases where the record has been sealed or expunged) or accused of misconduct (including but not limited to unethical practices, harassment, sexual harassment or abuse, or other misconduct that may have been the focus of some kind of inquiry or process). Applicants must promptly notify IIE in writing if they are arrested for, indicted for, charged with or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (excluding minor traffic violations) after submitting the application․ FFSB regulations can be found here (Chapter 600/Section 626 Ineligibility Factors.) Submitted documentation will not be revealed to those reviewing your application during the Peer Review process or as a part of the host country selection process․ However, statements and documents may be forwarded the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board for review and determination of eligibility.

If you meet the eligibility requirements, learn more about the next stages in the application procedure.

Getting Started

Step 1: Confirm Eligibility

Review eligibility requirements for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar program before proceeding. Applicants are also encouraged to review the Leave and Support resources

Step 2: Explore Award Activities

Each Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award offers one or more of the following activities:

  • Research - Research includes activities involving scientific research, qualitative research, quantitative research, and practice-based research, including artistic research. Research can take place in locations such as the laboratory, the field, the archives, or an artist residency. It can be experimental, clinical, or applied. It can include examining policies, systems, theories, methods, interactions, and works of art and music, with the objective to evaluate or develop new knowledge or works. Quantifiable (tangible) outcomes can include publications (books, journal articles, scripts, etc.), conference presentations, artistic and musical compositions, exhibitions, performances, films, and patents.
  • Teaching -  Teaching includes classroom teaching, as well as giving guest lectures, workshops, and seminars, and engaging in other related activities. Classroom teaching is typically at the undergraduate and graduate level, and courses may be designed by the scholar or prescribed by the host institution and may be taught or co-taught by the scholar. The teaching load varies by award, as well as the host institution. Scholars may also consult on building research capacity, advise graduate students, and assist with thesis advising.
  • Teaching/Research - Many awards allow participants to conduct both research and teaching as defined above. Some awards will indicate the percentage that should be devoted to teaching compared to research while other awards allow the candidates to select their own percentage breakdown.
  • Professional Projects - The Professional Project activity type provides professionals and artists in various fields the opportunity to interact with relevant organizations abroad to explore a topic related to their field without answering a defined research question. Professional Projects may include: professional consultations; artist residencies; visits to organizations in the applicant's field; practical experience in day-to-day operations; public lectures; mentoring; arranging exhibitions, performances or musical compilations; preparation of print materials (books, articles, or reviews); exchange of expertise with other professionals; participation in public events; or other appropriate professional activities. 
Step 3: Select Award 

Use the Award Search filters to find an award which most closely aligns to your field and interest. Be sure to review the Award Details, Award Requirements, and Award Benefits tabs for each award.  Please note: Applicants can only apply for one award per application cycle.

Step 4: Review Application Components

The application components may vary depending on the type of activity you apply for: teaching, research, teaching/research combination, or professional project - as well as your discipline and specialization. Please see application steps for details on each component and whether it applies to your application.

Note: Letters of Invitation - Applicants are responsible for obtaining and uploading the letter of invitation to their Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program application if required by the award. If required, preferred, or optional for that award, applicants are encouraged to solicit a letter of invitation as soon as possible.

Who can I contact at my institution for assistance?
Over 1,400 academic institutions and professional associations across the United States have Fulbright Scholar Liaisons, a network of faculty and administrators who can guide you. We encourage you to connect with the Liaison at your institution for assistance with your application and your institution’s process for participating in the Fulbright program.

Step 5: Start an Application

The 2025-26 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Competition is now closed. Please visit fulbrightscholars.org/awards/search to see a list of our open International Education Administrator (IEA) awards.

The 2026-27 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Competition will open in February 2025. Sign-up for our Monthly Message to find out as soon as we reopen.

Step 6: Create a Competitive Application
  • Review Criteria - Read the Review Criteria page to learn more about the basic objectives of the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program which Reviewers consider when evaluating applications. 
  • Connect​​​​​
  • Before you begin, check your eligibility and the award description for any specific requirements: professional profiles and specific qualifications vary across the awards. You are encouraged to apply to the award that best fits your background and experience. Refer to the Application Page and the Review Criteria as you prepare your materials.


Application Steps and Requirements for U.S. Scholars

If you are a non-U.S. citizen, please review the Non-U.S. (Visiting) Scholar programs.

The 2026-27 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Competition is now open.

Thanks for your interest in the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. Explore current opportunities and Connect with Fulbright to receive important program updates and application resources. Register for a webinar today for more information and join an office hour to have your questions answered live by IIE staff.

The application components vary depending on the type of activity you apply for: teaching, research, teaching/research combination, or professional project - as well as your discipline and specialization. Please see below for details on each component and whether it applies to your application.

If you are a non-U.S. citizen, please review the Non-U.S. (Visiting) Scholar programs.

Start your application now!


Your application materials should be well-organized, working together to demonstrate why the project is needed and how you are prepared to accomplish it. Connect the dots for the reader: present information clearly to prevent the reader from (mis)interpreting to the extent possible. You may find the Review Criteria to be helpful as you prepare your materials.

These application instructions contain additional guidance on creating and completing your application (A PDF version is also available to download).

Applicants must submit a complete application by the application deadline below to be considered for an award in the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program for that application cycle (competition). Applicants may only apply for one Fulbright award per competition, and applications will only be considered for that competition. This means applicants cannot apply for multiple awards in the same program year (2026-2027).

Project Statement – required for all applicants

The project statement is your opportunity to explain the proposed project. This document addresses key elements of your project: what the project is, why it is needed, the objective(s) of the project, how you are prepared for the project and how you will accomplish it, the project timeline, and the outcomes and impact. The information you provide in your essays and CV/resume should align with your proposed project. 

You will also be asked to provide a Project Title and Abstract. The Abstract is a 700-character summary of your project: it briefly describes the nature of the project, the plan (e.g., methodology), why the project is important/its impact, and the expected results. All applications are read in their entirety in the review and selection process. The purpose of this concise overview is to help the reader quickly understand the proposed project. Note: The character limit includes spaces and punctuation.

Project Statement Format Requirements:

  • 3-5 pages
  • Single-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. This helps ensure readability. 
  • You may use endnotes or footnotes in 10-point font. You may put the full citation for a source mentioned in your Project Statement in the Reference List to save space in your Project Statement. (Use any format for citations.).
  • File type: Adobe PDF (recommended) or Word document.
  • Note: If any non-English characters, images, tables, equations, etc. are used, you must upload your document as an Adobe PDF to maintain formatting.
  • For Flex and Multi-Country: Your statement should clearly describe your plans and justification for each segment/country visit, including a project timeline.  
  • Do not include hyperlinks designed to direct the reader outside of the application reader window. You may cite web links with the expectation that reviewers are not meant to click them. Content to be considered in the application review must be contained within the application itself.

You may include figures and images in your Project Statement where appropriate but they must fit within the 5 page limit for the Project Statement (this is not in addition to the 5-page limit).


The Project Statement should address the points below. While you are encouraged to use headers and/or bullets to organize and convey key elements, how you address these points in terms of format and order is up to you.

The project statement should be clear, focused, and specific. Avoid jargon; it should be able to be understood by individuals in other disciplines. Proofread carefully. 

Each section below contains discussion points for each activity type. For example, if you are proposing a research project, your statement should focus primarily on the points relevant to research (versus points for teaching or professional project). For teaching/research: Your statement should reflect the relative amount of time you propose for each activity and address both teaching and research points below. (Consult the award to determine if it specifies a percentage or courseload. If a percentage or courseload is not specified, it is up to you to decide.) 

  • What do you propose to do, including:
    • All Applications: What is the project, what are the objectives, and what is the need for the project? What is the importance of conducting the project at this time, and in this location? (This should complement your essay response on Country Selection.) What do you expect will result from your project, including any works produced?
    • Teaching: What is the nature of your project, and what are your anticipated plans for teaching? This includes classroom teaching, giving lectures, seminars, and workshops, curriculum/ program development, public lectures, etc. (Consult your award for specific requirements.)
    • Research: What is the nature of your research (scientific, qualitative, quantitative, artistic, etc.)? What are the objectives for your project? What is the academic and/or disciplinary context for the project?
    • Professional Project: What is the nature of your project? What are your objectives, and what is its context within your field?
  • How do you propose to do it, including: 
    • All Applications: How will you accomplish the project? Be as specific as possible regarding all aspects of your plans, including anticipated activities, methodology, required resources, and your proposed timeline. Address how you will adjust your plans if needed, including the feasibility of the project given the resources and time allocated. How is your project innovative? How will you engage with the host institution/ organization and community?  
    • All Applications: How are you prepared to carry out your project? Describe your relevant experience and how it prepares you to conduct the project (this should complement your essays and CV/Resume). Address proficiency in language(s) other than English as it relates to the project.
    • Teaching: What have you taught that prepares you to teach the proposed course(s)?  Describe your past involvement in curriculum planning, advising , and/or administrative responsibilities. 
    • Research: Describe your activities and methodology. What resources and/or facilities do you need in the host country to accomplish your project? How might local, political/cultural or other issues impact your work?
    • Professional Project: Which activities do you plan to do within this project and how do you plan to arrange and complete them?  
    • Teaching/Research, Flex, Multi-Country: Address your plans and rationale for how you will allocate your time for each activity and/or grant segment.
  • What impact, outcomes and benefits will the project produce, including:
    • All Applications: What do you hope to contribute, and gain from this experience? How do you expect this will impact your home institution/organization, your host institution and community, your discipline, and your professional development? How might your project be sustained afterward? This may include institutional collaboration, student and faculty exchange, new perspectives in teaching, joint research, professional connections, etc.
    • Teaching: How might this impact your teaching and professional work? How will you share what you have learned abroad and at home with your host institution, home institution, and communities in the host country and the U.S.?
    • Research: What significance does your project hold for the discipline? How will the findings or result be disseminated (publications, conferences, presentations, joint collaborations, exhibitions, etc.)?
    • Professional project: What impact do you expect this project to have on your discipline, and professional work? Are there broader implications in your field for someone expanding their expertise in this way? How do you anticipate this experience will impact you as a professional in your field in the future?
CV/Resume – required for all applicants

All applications require a curriculum vitae or resume. It should be clearly organized and tailored to the award to which you are applying and the proposed project. Do not include hyperlinks designed to direct the reader outside of the application reader window. You may cite web links with the expectation that reviewers are not meant to click them. Content to be considered in the application review must be contained within the application itself.

Format Requirements:

  • Up to 6 pages. For Distinguished Scholar awards: up to 8 pages.
  • Single spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.
  • Use headers and/or bullets to organize and convey key elements, and page numbers.
  • File type: Adobe PDF (recommended) or Word document. 
  • Note: If any non-English characters, images, tables, equations, etc. are used, you must upload your document as an Adobe PDF.

 Your CV/Resume should not include:

  • Contact information: Mailing address, email address, phone number
  • Date of Birth, Marital Status, Citizenship
  • Your picture

The application requires two recommendations. Recommendations evaluate your professional work, including the abilities and expertise you bring to your project; your ability to adapt; the merits of the project. You are encouraged to provide your recommenders with a copy of your project statement.

  • Applicants must register their recommenders in the online application. 
  • Applicants are responsible for ensuring their recommendations are submitted by their recommenders via the online system by the application deadline. Deadline extensions will not be granted.
  • Recommenders cannot submit their  recommendations outside the online system. 
  • Applicants can track the status of the recommendations on their online application and can send reminders to recommenders to submit their recommendations by the application deadline.
  • Recommendations can be submitted by your recommenders before or after you submit the application but must be submitted by the application deadline.
  • All recommendations must be in English.

Who may serve as a recommender?

Letters should be from those who know you and your work well.

  • One recommendation should be from a colleague or supervisor at your current place of employment. If your institution or employer recently changed, one of the letters should be from someone at your previous institution or employer.
  • One recommendation should be from a colleague within your discipline. This letter can be from outside your current place of employment OR may come from a second colleague at your place of employment This can include colleagues with whom you have collaborated on research in the last several years in the U.S. or abroad.
  • If you have selected Teaching or Teaching/Research for your grant activity: One letter should be from a colleague who knows and can speak to your teaching abilities. This letter may not come from a student.
  • If you are currently finishing your doctorate or other terminal degree: If you are applying before your final degree requirements are complete, one of your letters must come from someone familiar with your degree progress who can cite your expected data of conferral, such as an advisor or committee member.Note that your degree must be conferred prior to your grant start date. Additional documentation may be requested later.

Who cannot serve as a recommender?

  • Relatives of the applicant
  • Representatives of U.S. Embassy posts or Fulbright Commissions in the proposed host country (country of application)
  • Representatives of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the U.S. Department of State
  • Representatives of the Institute of International Education, including current IIE staff, IIE Board of Trustees, and Fulbright Scholar Advisory Board (CIES) members
  • Anyone who serves as a recommender may not also provide the applicant with an invitation letter or foreign language evaluation.

For Recommenders

Please see these instructions for those providing recommendations.

Format Requirements

  • Up to 3 pages.
  • On letterhead and signed (recommended).
  • File type: Adobe PDF (recommended) or Word document.
  • All recommendations must be written in English. If the original recommendation letter is written in a language other than English, you must provide an English translation. Because the recommendation letter is confidential, the applicant cannot provide the translation. Both the original recommendation letter and the English-language translation must be uploaded to the application by the recommender.


Recommendations must be submitted by September 15, 2025, 5:00 PM EDT (UTC-4:00).

Short Essays – required for all applicants

The essays are your opportunity to describe why you have selected the particular country (or countries), how Fulbright fits into your career path, your cultural preparation, and your teaching preparation (if teaching is selected). The details you provide here should be clear and compelling. Your essays should complement the information in your project statement and CV/resume. 

You are encouraged to write these in a document before copying them into your application. Note character limits.

  • Country Selection (up to 2,000 characters, including spaces, punctuation, and paragraph breaks)
    • Why is this country (or countries) the best match for your project?
    • What experiences have prepared you to undertake your project in this country (countries)? Please describe your prior experiences in the host country/countries (if any).
  • Career Trajectory (up to 1,500 characters, including spaces, punctuation, and paragraph breaks)
    • In terms of your career trajectory, describe why Fulbright, and why now.
  • Cultural Preparation (up to 2,000 characters, including spaces, punctuation, and paragraph breaks)
    • Please address your familiarity with the host culture, and any other global experiences that prepare you to adjust successfully to life in the host country.
    • What challenges do you expect to face in the host country?
    • How will you adapt, address, or manage them?
    • Provide examples of your ability to be adaptable, flexible, culturally sensitive, collegial, and how you may serve as a cultural ambassador for the U.S. 
  • Teaching Preparation (only required if your award activity includes teaching) (up to 1,500 characters, including spaces, punctuation, and paragraph breaks)
    • How will you make your teaching relevant to the culture(s) and language(s) of the host country? How will you adapt your materials and pedagogy to a different teaching environment in which your students’ first language may not be English?
Reference List – required for Research or Teaching/Research activities

A Reference List is required if you select the Research or Teaching/Research activity, regardless of discipline. The Reference List is not accepted for the Teaching nor Professional Project activities.

The Reference List demonstrates to the review committee that you are aware of the current state of research or work related to the discipline of your proposed project and that your project will contribute to existing work in the discipline. It should contain sources that situate your project in the current field and include any critical theory informing your project. 

  • The Reference List demonstrates to the review committee that you are aware of the current state of research or work related to the discipline of your proposed project. It should contain sources that situate your project in the current field and include any critical theory informing your project. 
  • References may include (but are not limited to) journal articles, books, newspaper articles, works or exhibitions by other artists, conference proceedings, reports, films or videos, collection articles, court cases, microforms, websites, and digital images. 
  • You may choose the format: your Reference List can be an enumerative list, or it can be annotated/explanatory (within the 3-page limit).
  • You may choose any citation style. 
  • You may put the full citation for a source mentioned in your Project Statement in the Reference List to save space in your Project Statement.
  • The Reference List should not consist solely of your own publications. 
  • This is a list of sources that inform your work and with which you will dialogue. This is not a list of personal references to be contacted.
  • Do not include hyperlinks designed to direct the reader outside of the application reader window. You may cite web links with the expectation that reviewers are not meant to click them. Content to be considered in the application review must be contained within the application itself.

Format Requirements:

  • Up to 3 pages.
  • Single spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.
  • Use headers and/or bullets to organize and convey key elements; use page numbers.
  • File type: Adobe PDF (recommended) or Word document.
  • Note: If any non-English characters, etc. are used, you must upload your document as an Adobe PDF to maintain formatting.
Syllabi – required for Teaching or Teaching/Research activities

Syllabi or sample course outlines are required if you select Teaching or Teaching/Research for your award activity, regardless of discipline. Syllabi/course outlines are not accepted for the Research nor Professional Project activities.

Syllabi and course samples demonstrate to the review committee how you approach teaching in terms of content and pedagogy, and your currency in the topic(s). You do not need to propose a new syllabus at the time of application; you can furnish past syllabi to demonstrate your pedagogical approach.

  • Submit at least one (up to three) course syllabi or sample course outlines relevant to the planned grant activity.
  • Your syllabi/course outlines should be designed by you and expressive of your teaching philosophy. If you did not design them, indicate as such.
  • Indicate whether they have been used previously or have been developed for this application.

Format Requirements:

  • Up to 10 pages, total (not per syllabus or outline).
  • Single spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.
  • Use headers and/or bullets to organize and convey key elements; use page numbers.
  • File type: Adobe PDF (recommended) or Word document.
  • Note: If any non-English characters, images, tables, equations, etc. are used, you must upload your document as an Adobe PDF to maintain formatting. 
Invitation Letters

The invitation is a letter provided by the proposed host institution or organization expressing their interest in hosting you and your proposed project.

Applicants are responsible for obtaining and uploading the invitation letter to their Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program application if required by the award. Be sure your project statement reflects your planned activities, including how you will engage with your host institution.

For-profit organizations may not serve as hosts for Professional Projects. Appropriate hosts might include a non-profit organization, artist residency, studio collective, governmental agency, museum, professional association, cultural organization, K-12 institution, university, college, language institute, research institute, laboratory, think tank or foundation. If you are uncertain whether your host is appropriate, please contact IIE staff listed in the award description.

Local organizations operated by citizens of the host country are preferred over U.S. institutions abroad. However, in some cases, international organizations have been approved as hosts. Please check the award description in the Catalog of Awards or contact IIE staff to inquire whether your host is permissible.

For-profit organizations may not serve as hosts. Appropriate hosts might include a non-profit organization, artist residency, studio collective, governmental agency, museum, professional association, cultural organization, K-12 institution, university, college, language institute, research institute, laboratory, think tank or foundation. If you are uncertain whether your proposed host is appropriate, please contact IIE staff listed on the lefthand side of the award.

Should you submit an Invitation Letter?

Consult the Award Requirements tab in the Award for details regarding invitation letters.

  • If "An Invitation Letter is required":
    • You must submit an invitation letter.
    • If it is not included with your application or submitted by the invitation letter deadline, your application will become ineligible and will not proceed in the review and selection process. 
  • If "An invitation letter is preferred":
    • Applicants are encouraged to obtain and submit an invitation letter.
  • If "An invitation letter is optional":
    • Applicants may submit an invitation letter.
  •  If "An Invitation Letter should not be sought":
    • Applicants should not seek an invitation letter.

Invitation Letter Deadline

September 25, 2025, 5:00 PM EDT (UTC -4:00). Invitation letters will not be added to applications after this deadline.

  • For awards where the invitation is required: If your letter(s) are not submitted by this extended deadline, your application will become ineligible and will not proceed in the review and selection process.
  • For all other awards: If an invitation is not required, your application will proceed in the review process with or without an invitation.

If your invitation is expected to arrive after the application deadline, you should submit your application without the letter. You will be able to upload your invitation letter to your application until September 25, 2025, 5:00 PM EDT (UTC -4:00). 

How to request an invitation letter:

We have a sample invitation letter email for your reference. 

Identify an appropriate host institution (see below) and individual in the country of interest and email them. Introduce yourself and the activities you are interested in proposing. If they are interested in potentially hosting you and your project, you can then request an invitation letter from them in subsequent messages. (Letters are typically provided on university letterhead.)  Note that many faculty are difficult to reach in July and August abroad, so start early; this process can take time.

Note: An institution can provide invitations to multiple candidates. An invitation is not a legally binding pledge. Having one does not guarantee your application will be recommended in the peer review process nor selected for an award.

Invitation requirements

The letter should be addressed to you or to the Fulbright Scholar Program, and should include:

  • The activities for which you are being invited by the host (i.e., research at an institution, special lecturing needs, etc.);
  • The period for which you are invited
  • A description of the host’s interest in your project and how it will benefit their institution.
  • Invitation letters should be in English. If the letter is not in English, you must include an English translation with it in your application.
  • The potential host (the person who provides the letter) cannot also be registered in your application as a recommender or foreign language evaluator.
  • Invitation letters should be their own document, but if a “print out” of an email is all that your host can send, please make certain the message comes from a verified email address at a host institution.

File type: Adobe PDF (recommended) or Word document. Up to three letters may be uploaded to your application as a combined file or as separate files. If you have additional letters, you will need to combine them into a single file before uploading them. 

How to Develop Contacts Abroad

The award description may list host institutions or specific people to contact.You can also use the resources on your home campus, in your discipline, and your community to network, including:

  • The international office on your campus 
  • International students and faculty, area studies faculty, and faculty in your discipline may have contacts at institutions in the country or countries of interest 
  • Colleagues who have gone abroad 
  • Current and former Fulbright Scholars 

The international division of your professional organization may have information about the status of your discipline and the educational system in other countries, as well as people who can serve as contacts or can connect you with others. 

Language Proficiency – may be required

Many awards do not require applicants to have proficiency in a language other than English. Others require proficiency for teaching and/or research, while some suggest it may be useful. 

Consult the Award Requirements tab in the Award for details regarding language proficiency requirements. 

In the application, there is a language self-evaluation and an external evaluation, which help demonstrate that your project can be completed successfully, including identifying alternatives. You may find the Review Criteria to be helpful.


In the application, the Language Skills page displays the award’s language skills requirement and contains the self-evaluation. You can list up to three languages relevant to the proposed project and indicate your level of proficiency for each. Then, you will respond to a short question regarding your proficiency for your proposed project; depending on the award requirement, you may also be asked about your previous experience with the language.

External evaluation

The Recommendations and Language Evaluations page in the application is where you register qualified foreign language evaluator(s).

  • A qualified foreign language evaluator should be an instructor in the language or otherwise qualified to evaluate language proficiency. 
  •  Anyone who serves as a language evaluator for your application cannot also provide a recommendation letter nor invitation letter for your application. 
  • For applications where proficiency in multiple languages may be necessary, the application will allow for up to two external language evaluations to be submitted.  

Award Requirements

  • Award requirement: None, English is sufficient
    Self-Evaluation: Optional: Applicant can complete self-evaluation for language(s) relevant to proposed project
    Foreign Language Evaluation: Applicant should not register a Foreign Language evaluator
  • Award requirement: None, English is sufficient. However, feasibility of conducting the project must be demonstrated in the project statement
    Self-Evaluation: Required: Applicant must complete self-evaluation for language(s) relevant to proposed project
    Foreign Language Evaluation: Optional: Applicant can register Foreign Language evaluator(s)
  • Award requirement: Recommended    
    Self-Evaluation: Required: Applicant must complete self-evaluation for language(s) relevant to proposed project
    Foreign Language Evaluation: Recommended: Applicant is encouraged to register Foreign Language evaluator(s) (waived if native in all three skill areas)
  • Award requirement: Required    
    Self-Evaluation: Required: Applicant must complete self-evaluation for language(s) relevant to proposed project 
    Foreign Language Evaluation: Required: Applicant must register Foreign Language evaluator(s) (waived if native in all three skill areas)

Levels of proficiency

We recommend that applicants and evaluators refer to the ACTFL “Can-Do Statements” to inform self-evaluations and external evaluations.

For Language Evaluators

Please see these instructions for those providing language evaluations. 

Portfolio – required for Arts disciplines

For projects in the disciplines listed below, a digital portfolio is submitted to aid in the evaluation of the application. The portfolio should demonstrate your technical skills, ability in the genre(s), and/or your artistic direction. The portfolio should be a well-edited, representative collection of your work/research and should support the nature of your proposed project. 

Files must be uploaded directly to the application; do not include hyperlinks or any other content intended to direct reviewers to external websites. Content to be considered in the application review must be contained within the application itself.

Disciplines commonly requiring a portfolio: 

This list reflects the disciplines as they appear in the application. If your discipline or specialization does not appear, check this indexed, searchable list containing all of the disciplines and specializations available in the application.

  • Architecture
  • Arts
  • Culinary Arts
  • Dance
  • Design
  • Drama/Theater Arts
  • Fashion
  • Film/Cinema Studies (including film directing and production, and screenwriting)
  • Fine Arts
  • Journalism
  • Museum Studies
  • Music (including composition, conducting, and performance)
  • Writing (including creative writing and poetry, fiction and non-fiction, playwriting, and screenwriting)

Note: Applicants proposing projects with a focus on translation, history, or the broader study of the subject (such as film studies) should not submit a portfolio.

File Requirements:

You may submit multiple types of files. Do not submit additional media or materials beyond what is required. Failure to follow these guidelines may adversely affect your application.

You must provide relevant and appropriate details for each work: title, year, size (dimensions), medium, and description. 

Items should be your own work: anything submitted that is not entirely your own work must be clearly identified as such, including a description of your contribution to the piece. (For collaborative works, describe your contribution to the piece in the description.)

Images, pictures, and graphics, including artwork, graphic designs, photographs, prints, drawings, sketches, photographs, maps, sculpture, etc. 

  • Up to 10 images. 

Images may be uploaded as one PDF containing up to 10 images provided that either format includes descriptive notes (e.g., dimensions, date of execution, materials used, etc.), or as up to 10 separate images.

Writing samples: up to 15 pages in total (not per document)
Audio and video files: up to 30 minutes in total for all edited segments (not per segment)

Accepted file formats (no larger than 5 GB):

  • Video: .3g2, .3gp, .avi, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .mxf, .webm, .wmv
  • Audio: .aac, .m4a, .mka, .mp3, .oga, .ogg, .wav
  • Slide: .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff
  • Document: .doc, .docx, .odg, .odp, .odt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .wpd

If you applied for 2025-2026 or earlier, to reapply or submit an updated application for the current competition: 

  • Has your email address changed? Contact us at scholars@iie.org if you need help with updating your email address on your application account.
  • Go to the Slate application (https://apply.iie.org/fulbrightusscholar) and login as a “Returning User” using your existing login and password. Please DO NOT create (another) application account to start a new application. This will actually make things more confusing: we have found it can be challenging to distinguish between accounts.
  • You will land on the Application Management page where you can view your prior application(s) and start your new application.
  • Click “Start New Application” and choose Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program 2026-2027. If that does not work, go to https://apply.iie.org/fusc2026 and it should prompt you to create your 2026-2027 application. Note: DO NOT open past and current applications in the same browser simultaneously as data will not save properly. If you must refer to an old application, download it as a PDF or open it in a different browser.
  • Some of the basic personal information fields will automatically populate based on the information you provided last year, though you should double-check them in case any updates are needed.
  • Be sure to carefully review the award description, as it may have been updated.
  • You will need to re-upload the supporting documents (Project Statement and CV, and Reference List, Syllabi/Course Outlines, and Portfolio, if applicable). We encourage you to review them as well to make sure that your materials fit your proposed project for this application cycle. Be sure to carefully review the award description, as it may have been updated. 
  • You will need to register two recommenders and any foreign language evaluators (if applicable). Even if they have provided a recommendation or evaluation for you before, they must upload their letters to your new application. If they need a copy of the letter they uploaded last year, your reference(s) are welcome to email FulbrightScholarReview@iie.org for assistance.
  • If an invitation letter is required for the award, you can submit the previous one; however, it is encouraged to submit an updated invitation letter.
  • To download a PDF copy of your 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024, 2024-2025, or 2025-2026 application, click on the respective Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program application to open it. Then click on Preview Application Proof to open a downloadable copy of your application.

If you applied earlier than 2020, you will need to create a new application account in the Slate application system; please refer to the Instructions linked above.


Review Criteria for Peer Review for U.S. Scholars

If you are a non-U.S. citizen, please review the Non-U.S (Visiting) Scholar programs.

The Fulbright Scholar Program supports activities and projects that recognize and promote the critical relationship between educational exchange and international understanding, in addition to the intellectual merit of the proposals.

Reviewers consider the basic objectives of the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program; applications are evaluated with the criteria below.

Applications must at minimum sufficiently address each of the review criteria in order to be recommended or ultimately selected. Applicants should ensure materials they submit address the requirements clearly. Reviewers are asked to base their evaluation solely on the information provided in the application. 

Training, background, and experience

  • Application demonstrates training, credentials and active professional standing in the discipline necessary to complete the project, as appropriate for the applicant’s career stage, home institution/employer type, and teaching and administrative load (if applicable).
    • For applications in the creative and performing arts and journalism: Portfolio material(s) should demonstrate the applicant’s technical skills, ability in the genre(s) and/or artistic direction.
  • Application demonstrates the language proficiency needed for successful completion of the project, or adequately addresses alternative(s) to language proficiency – if required or recommended in the award.

Quality of project

The project is feasible, innovative, intellectually rigorous, and well-written, with sound, appropriate methodology; the project demonstrates adaptability to any local and/or political, or cultural contexts. In addition, the project can be understood by individuals in other disciplines. Application demonstrates the need for the project to be undertaken in the specified location.

  • Teaching projects: Application demonstrates teaching experience, effective pedagogical approaches, and thoughtful, clear syllabi/course outlines. (Syllabi are not required to be tailored to award content or the proposed host institution, unless specified by the award description.)
  • Research projects: Project is clearly designed and will contribute to the existing body of work on the topic. Research plan and method of analysis are detailed, and addresses aims and objectives. 
  • Professional Project: Project demonstrates professional experience, relevance to the host country, and is designed clearly. 
  • Teaching/Research, Flex, Multi-Country (if applicable): Project demonstrates appropriate plans and rationale for allocation of time for each activity and/or grant segment.

Project’s potential impact, outcomes, and benefits

  • Application demonstrates relevance of project to the discipline.
  • Project statement clearly describes plans to feasibly disseminate results (if applicable).
  • Proposed project exhibits potential for impact, which is significant, broad, and can be sustained after the project. Project statement demonstrates engagement with the host institution and community as well as the benefit to the discipline, the applicant’s home institution or employer, and their own professional development. Project should seek to benefit the host country(ies) and the U.S. 

Cultural Preparation

  • Application demonstrates the ability to be adaptable, flexible, culturally sensitive, and collegial. 
  • Application demonstrates the ability to serve as a cultural ambassador for the U.S., their community, and their institution/employer. 

Previous Fulbright Scholar Awards

Applicant provides compelling justification for prior Fulbright Scholar award(s), including International Education Administrator awards. Preference will be given to candidates who have not had previous Fulbright Scholar awards, especially within the past ten years. View the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board’s policies on previous Fulbright Scholar grants. (This does not apply to the Fulbright Specialist Program or the Fulbright Student Program.) 

Veteran status

Preference is given to veterans of the U.S. armed forces when other factors are equivalent.

In-Country Selection: 

Please visit the timeline page for more details on the next phase of selection.

Common mistakes in applications

  • Application is not well developed: vague or generic, methodology lacks specifics; project is not contextualized in existing work
  • Application does not clearly demonstrate the benefit to being physically present in host country(ies)
  • Application does not clearly demonstrate why Fulbright, and why now 
  • Feasibility and timeline are overly ambitious or not well defined
  • Impact, outcomes, and benefits are ambiguous or partially addressed
  • Connection between expertise and project is not apparent
  • Not proofread; materials are confusing, hard to follow

Frequently Asked Questions

Application Materials

Applications cannot be updated once the review and selection process are underway. This includes updating the CV/Resume (title, institution/employer, etc.), changing award details (start date, host institution, etc.), and adding letters of invitation. Should an application be selected, the applicant can communicate any updates and requests to the respective Fulbright Commission/U.S. Embassy and IIE advisor upon selection, but please note that any changes to proposed project, including grant length and start date, are subject to approval by the host country and the Department of State.

After submitting their application, when should an applicant be in touch with their proposed host institution?

The Program appreciates the enthusiasm shared by applicants and host institutions to engage and collaborate on your proposed project. Please note that applications must first go through the peer review process. Those that are recommended for further consideration are then forwarded to the host country, U.S. Department of State, and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board for review and selection. Some host countries work with host institutions in this process (typically awards where the host institution is specified in the award title). Following peer review, applicants are welcome to let their proposed host know if their application was recommended. Applicants should not ask the host country or proposed host for updates on the status of their application. 

Application Feedback and Reapplying

Fulbright program policy does not authorize implementing partners (including IIE) to provide reasons for an application to be not recommended or not selected. 

Applicants may reapply for a future competition and we can work with you to do so. Applications are reviewed individually, on their own merit each year.  Please see the Application page for instructions on how to reapply.