Grant Restaging after Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients with Non-Metastatic Pancreatic Carcinoma. Restaging after Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients with Non-Metastatic Pancreatic Carcinoma. Continue reading Restaging after Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients with Non-Metastatic Pancreatic Carcinoma.
Grant Tracing spoofed origins of reflection DDoS attacks Tracing spoofed origins of reflection DDoS attacks Continue reading Tracing spoofed origins of reflection DDoS attacks
Grant Optimization of Continuous Allocation Systems for Improved Equity in Deceased Organ Transplant Allocation Optimization of Continuous Allocation Systems for Improved Equity in Deceased Organ Transplant Allocation Continue reading Optimization of Continuous Allocation Systems for Improved Equity in Deceased Organ Transplant Allocation
Grant Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Social Equity through Policy Innovation in the US and EU Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Social Equity through Policy Innovation in the US and EU Continue reading Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Social Equity through Policy Innovation in the US and EU
Grant The Impact of Statins on the Progression of Atherosclerosis in Patients With Cancer Treated With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy The Impact of Statins on the Progression of Atherosclerosis in Patients With Cancer Treated With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy Continue reading The Impact of Statins on the Progression of Atherosclerosis in Patients With Cancer Treated With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy