The following programs are available to U.S. Scholars in Tajikistan

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Parvina Islomova

Home Country
Host State
Linguistics: Ling, Comparative, & Related Lang Stds
Primary Host Institution
University of Massachusetts, Boston - Graduate School
Faculty Associate/Host
Panayota Gounari
Grant Start Date
OLF Eligibility End Date


Congratulations on receiving a Fulbright grant! The resources on this page are designed to familiarize you with your host location and provide important context and information as you prepare to travel abroad. We encourage you to review the readings, websites, and logistical information offered by local contacts. Click the section headings below to display the information.

Orientation Information

As part of your Fulbright grant, you are required to attend a virtual Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) from June 24-27, 2024. The PDO will provide sessions and activities to help you prepare for your upcoming experience. You will receive an email in mid-June that will direct you to the PDO website, where you can register for the event. If you have any questions regarding the PDO, please email

Contact Information

Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy Dushanbe

109-A Ismoili Somoni Avenue
Dushanbe, Tajikistan 734019
Tel. +922-37- 229-2000
Points of Contact:
Pablo Tutillo Maldonado,
Public Diplomacy Officer
Parvina Adylova,
Emerging Voices Coordinator


Country Information

ETA Resources

Alum Contacts

We invite you to contact these Fulbright alumni for questions or advice prior to your grant. They can be an excellent resources for unofficial questions – what type of clothing to bring, how to open a bank account, and more.

Fulbright U.S. Scholars:
Manijeh Sabi
Fulbright Scholar to Tajikistan, 2022-2023
Shahnaz Savani
Fulbright Scholar to Tajikistan, 2022-2023
John Miglietta
Fulbright Scholar to Tajikistan, 2021-2022
Fulbright Student Researchers:
Clinton Parker
Fulbright Student Researcher to Tajikistan, 2022-2023
Lyla Amini
Fulbright Student Researcher to Tajikistan, 2023-2024
Katherine MacDonald
Fulbright Student Researcher to Tajikistan, 2021-2022
Fulbright English Teaching Assistants:
Inaara Ladha
Fulbright English Teaching Assistant to Tajikistan, 2021-2022
Joseph (Jay) Ritch
Fulbright English Teaching Assistant to Tajikistan, 2021-2022


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