Multiple Disciplines
Number of recipients
In addition to being a prestigious academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations and to promote international understanding and cooperation. To support this mission, Fulbright Scholars may be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host community, in addition to their primary activities.
Grantees in the teaching category will teach classes at the undergraduate or graduate level. There will be an opportunity for several guest lectures at other universities.
- University of Central Asia (all subjects, in particular, earth science and environmental studies) - instruction in English language only
- Dushanbe Innovation Institute (mathematics & IT, physics & IT, chemistry & biology) - instruction in English language only
- MDIS; Management Development Institute of Singapore in Dushanbe (tourism & hospitality, MBA) - instruction in English language only
- Technological University of Tajikistan (economics and information technology)
- Tajik State University of Commerce Dushanbe (business, marketing, economics, and tourism hospitality)
- Institute of Economy and Trade of Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand (business, marketing, economics, and tourism hospitality)
- Tajik State Institute of Foreign Languages (English Language Faculty) - +992 37 2329515;
- Khujand State University (English Language Faculty)
- Khorog State University (English Language Faculty) - +992 93 559 8455;
- National University of Tajikistan (English Language Department, journalism, and international relations)
- Kulob State University (English Language Faculty and international relations) - +992 3322 23506;
- Bokhtar State University (English Language Faculty) - +992 93 311 0005;
- Pedagogical Institute of Panjakent (English Language Faculty) - +992 34 755 4050;
- Pedagogical Institute of Gharm (English Language Faculty) - +992 93 314 0168;
- Tajik State Medical University (medical sciences)
Grants may begin after September 1, 2026. Grants must be completed by June 30, 2027.
All applicants must meet the Program eligibility requirements (click to review the requirements).
Tajik or Russian language proficiency is needed for teaching courses at most Tajik universities (with the exception of Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Tajik State University of Commerce in Khujand and the University of Central Asia in Dushanbe or Khorog, however, offer courses in English.
Teaching applicants must submit a language proficiency evaluation. For applicants without local language proficiency, feasibility of conducting the project must be demonstrated in the project statement.
Candidates with terminal degrees and a minimum of three years of university or college teaching experience are preferred. Professionals and nonacademics will be considered if they have the requisite three years of university or college teaching experience.
Interested applicants are welcome to contact Parvina Adylova,, Cultural Affairs Assistant at the U.S. Embassy for country-specific questions. Applicants may also make contact by telephone: +992-37-229-2322 or fax: +992-37-229-2322.
For more information on applying, including alumni perspectives, please view our webinars.
Email the South and Central Asia Team with questions about applying.
Stipends are calculated within this range based on a number of factors including a participant’s grant activity, location in the host country, number of dependents, and home institution position.
Round-trip, Fly America Act compliant international travel for the grantee will be arranged by an agency designated by IIE.
Additional Travel and Relocation Allowances: $3,900.00
$1,500 for book and educational materials allowance. Materials to be donated to the host institution (or other entity) upon grantee's departure
Additional living and housing allowance is provided for grantees with one accompanying dependent or two or more accompanying dependent. These amounts range from $200/month to $400/month.
In addition, travel allowances are provided for up to two dependents.
Up to $6,000 per child (up to two) or $12,000 per family for accompanying dependent children in grades K-12 is reimbursed for one semester, upon submission of receipts. Up to $12,000 per child (up to two) or $24,000 per family for accompanying dependent children in grades K-12 is reimbursed for two semesters, upon submission of receipts. Amount may be adjusted for shorter grant periods. Reimbursement is based on actual cost of tuition and fees only or homeschooling materials.
Dependents must accompany the grantee for at least 80% of the period abroad and a minimum of one semester in order to qualify for additional dependent benefits. Dependent benefits are not provided to Flex grantees.
South and Central Asia Fulbright Regional Travel Grant
With additional funding provided by the United States Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, during their grant period, Fulbright Scholars in the South and Central Asia (SCA) region may apply for a regional travel grant to engage in a variety of activities at academic institutions or non-profit organizations in eligible SCA countries (Bangladesh, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Nepal, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan). Activities that U.S Scholars may engage in include: faculty and student lectures, graduate or faculty seminars, conferences, curriculum development, public lectures, panel presentations, needs assessment, or some combination thereof. Scholars in the arts may be invited to give master classes or recitals, participate in exhibitions or workshops, or consult with cultural institutions. Activities may not include research. This grant will cover travel to and from the destination and lodging may be offered by the hosting institution. Scholars may only apply for this grant once they are in country on their Fulbright grant, and as funds are limited, may only participate in one Regional Travel Grant during their Fulbright grant.
Before traveling to another country on a Regional Travel Grant, it is important to confirm trip details with the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section or Fulbright Commission in that country.
South and Central Asia Fulbright Conference
With funding provided by the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the U.S.-India Educational Foundation (the Fulbright Commission in India) invites eligible Fulbright grantees in the South and Central Asia region to attend the annual South and Central Asia Fulbright Conference in India (usually held in February or March). The conference is an opportunity for Fulbright U.S. Scholars and U.S. Student Researchers who are on their Fulbright grants in the SCA region at the time of the conference to gather to discuss each other’s work, network, and share their experiences as international exchange participants.
Financial assistance to attend the conference is provided as an additional Fulbright grant benefit.
Please refer to the figures above for an estimate of total monthly Fulbright award benefits. Benefits may include a monthly base stipend, living and housing allowances, and additional one-time allowances. Benefits may vary based on a scholar's current academic rank (or professional equivalent), the city of placement, the type of award (teaching, teaching/research, or research), and the number of and duration of stay of accompanying dependents. Research-only or Professional Project grantees receive a standard stipend that is not adjusted for academic rank. In most cases, dependent benefits will not be provided to Flex grantees, or to grantees pursuing grants less than four months (or a semester) in length.
Final grant amounts will be determined prior to the start of the academic year and are subject to the availability of funds. The United States Department of State reserves the right to alter, without notice, participating countries, number of awards and allowances.
Tajikistan is one of the world's most remote countries, both in terms of access by and to the outside world. International flights are generally available three times a week, via Dubai and Istanbul. Regional flights to Tashkent and Almaty are available more frequently.
Both university administrators and students recognize the benefits of having an American professor teaching at their institution and welcome the academic and cultural interactions. Most classes are taught in Tajik, although several universities have English departments and groups taught primarily in English. A knowledge of Tajik or Russian is helpful in navigating day-to-day life. This is the only post-Soviet country in which one of the Persian languages is spoken. Individual scholars should be prepared to be flexible and to work in a university environment where their Tajik colleagues rely less on technology in the classroom and their university's administration.
Tajikistan is famous for its unforgettable nature and the hospitality of its people. The untouched peaks of the snowy mountains and the purity of wild rivers are mesmerizing. In their free time, our Fulbright grantees enjoy hiking trails along stunning places of the Fann mountains, such as Iskanderkul, Kulikalon, Alauddin and Haft Kul.
A motivated Fulbright Scholar would have an opportunity to make a significant impact during his/her grant period in Tajikistan.
The academic year runs from September to June. The first semester is from September to January; the second semester is from late January to June.
Contact: For more information, contact Parvina Adylova at the U.S. Embassy Dushanbe (
John Miglietta, 2021-2022 Scholar, Professor of Political Science Tennessee State University
"I was awarded a teaching Fulbright to Tajikistan in 2021-2022. I was teaching political science at the University of Central Asia in Khorog with a focus on international relations. I thoroughly enjoyed my Fulbright in Tajikistan. The country is beautiful, and the people were extremely welcoming. I had the opportunity to live in Dushanbe and Khorog. I was fortunate as I was able to experience life in the capital city as well as in the Pamirs. Dushanbe is a wonderful city, and I was fortunate to work with the staff at American Space Dushanbe as well as English Without Borders. Here I got to know many educators and students. I was able to give several presentations on a variety of topics such as history, literature, and the United States. I also helped to organize chess tournaments at American Space Dushanbe and American Space Extension in Vahdat. In Vahdat I had the opportunity to work with and get to know many people from Afghanistan. Khorog is the jewel of the Pamirs. It was very exhilarating to wake up every morning and see beautiful mountains. The University of Central Asia is a great university, and everyone was very welcoming. Being a residential university, it truly had a sense of community. I learned a great deal from my Fulbright experience. I was enriched by making friends and colleagues that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I also believe I grew as a teacher and a scholar because of my experience."
Visit our Scholar Directory to view and search all Fulbright alumni. You can also learn more about Fulbright Alumni Ambassadors.
Grantee will teach during the academic year (September 2026 through June 2027) in a Tajik university. University classes are generally held Monday through Saturday.
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar will likely be the first American that many Tajik students have ever met and will have a tremendous opportunity to expand cultural understanding.
Due to the low educational standards, the scholar should be prepared to teach students who lag academically behind their American peers.