Grant How Can a Retailer Identify Dominant Strategy in an Extremely Non-Cooperative Supplier-Driven Newsvendor Chain? How Can a Retailer Identify Dominant Strategy in an Extremely Non-Cooperative Supplier-Driven Newsvendor Chain? Continue reading How Can a Retailer Identify Dominant Strategy in an Extremely Non-Cooperative Supplier-Driven Newsvendor Chain?
Grant Modeling Extreme Events and Estimating Loss Function in the U.S. and Korean Financial Market Modeling Extreme Events and Estimating Loss Function in the U.S. and Korean Financial Market Continue reading Modeling Extreme Events and Estimating Loss Function in the U.S. and Korean Financial Market
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Grant How Does the Foreign Ownership of a Bank Affect Firm Performance and Earning Management? How Does the Foreign Ownership of a Bank Affect Firm Performance and Earning Management? Continue reading How Does the Foreign Ownership of a Bank Affect Firm Performance and Earning Management?
Grant Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Evaluation of Innovative Business Models Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Evaluation of Innovative Business Models Continue reading Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Evaluation of Innovative Business Models
Grant Derivatives' Trading Volume and Underlying Volatility Derivatives' Trading Volume and Underlying Volatility Continue reading Derivatives' Trading Volume and Underlying Volatility
Grant The Impact of Culture and Country-of-Origin on Ethnic Food Perception The Impact of Culture and Country-of-Origin on Ethnic Food Perception Continue reading The Impact of Culture and Country-of-Origin on Ethnic Food Perception
Grant Do Companies in the United States and Korea Really Manage Earnings?: An Alternative Framework of Accounting for Sustainable Growth of a Firm Do Companies in the United States and Korea Really Manage Earnings?: An Alternative Framework of Accounting for Sustainable Growth of a Firm Continue reading Do Companies in the United States and Korea Really Manage Earnings?: An Alternative Framework of Accounting for Sustainable Growth of a Firm
Grant Development of Value Functions From Ranked Criteria Weights for Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Aid Development of Value Functions From Ranked Criteria Weights for Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Aid Continue reading Development of Value Functions From Ranked Criteria Weights for Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Aid