Grant Philosophical Transformation of Communitarianism Philosophical Transformation of Communitarianism Continue reading Philosophical Transformation of Communitarianism
Grant Korea-U.S. Software Copyright Disputes Korea-U.S. Software Copyright Disputes Continue reading Korea-U.S. Software Copyright Disputes
Grant Curriculum Development for Teaching Graduate Courses in Feminist Critical Theories and Practices Curriculum Development for Teaching Graduate Courses in Feminist Critical Theories and Practices Continue reading Curriculum Development for Teaching Graduate Courses in Feminist Critical Theories and Practices
Grant Financial Market Development and the Monetary Policy in the United States Financial Market Development and the Monetary Policy in the United States Continue reading Financial Market Development and the Monetary Policy in the United States
Grant English-Korean Machine-Translation English-Korean Machine-Translation Continue reading English-Korean Machine-Translation
Grant Comparative Study on the Differenciated Changes in Dimensionality Self-Concept in Korea and the United States Comparative Study on the Differenciated Changes in Dimensionality Self-Concept in Korea and the United States Continue reading Comparative Study on the Differenciated Changes in Dimensionality Self-Concept in Korea and the United States
Grant Phonetic Realization of American Korean Intonation Phonetic Realization of American Korean Intonation Continue reading Phonetic Realization of American Korean Intonation
Grant A Critical Reassessment of American Feminist Classics in the 1960s A Critical Reassessment of American Feminist Classics in the 1960s Continue reading A Critical Reassessment of American Feminist Classics in the 1960s
Grant Investment Banking and the Capital Raising Process: A Comparison of Korea and the United States Investment Banking and the Capital Raising Process: A Comparison of Korea and the United States Continue reading Investment Banking and the Capital Raising Process: A Comparison of Korea and the United States
Grant Cross-Cultural Analysis of Autobiographies of the Korean Elderly Cross-Cultural Analysis of Autobiographies of the Korean Elderly Continue reading Cross-Cultural Analysis of Autobiographies of the Korean Elderly