Grant Franklin Merrell-Wolff: A Reasoned Flight Beyond Reason Franklin Merrell-Wolff: A Reasoned Flight Beyond Reason Continue reading Franklin Merrell-Wolff: A Reasoned Flight Beyond Reason
Grant Crossing Boundaries: Encounters with God and the Otherworld in Mystical Commentaries on the Qur'an Crossing Boundaries: Encounters with God and the Otherworld in Mystical Commentaries on the Qur'an Continue reading Crossing Boundaries: Encounters with God and the Otherworld in Mystical Commentaries on the Qur'an
Grant Intergenerational transmission of socio-economic status: The role of gender role attitudes and the family trajectory Intergenerational transmission of socio-economic status: The role of gender role attitudes and the family trajectory Continue reading Intergenerational transmission of socio-economic status: The role of gender role attitudes and the family trajectory
Grant Elvis has Finally Left the Building? Boundary Work, Whiteness and the Reception of Rock Music in Comparative Perspective Elvis has Finally Left the Building? Boundary Work, Whiteness and the Reception of Rock Music in Comparative Perspective Continue reading Elvis has Finally Left the Building? Boundary Work, Whiteness and the Reception of Rock Music in Comparative Perspective
Grant Conspiracy Cultures Across the Pond: Knowledge, Distrust and the Battle for Epistemic Authority Conspiracy Cultures Across the Pond: Knowledge, Distrust and the Battle for Epistemic Authority Continue reading Conspiracy Cultures Across the Pond: Knowledge, Distrust and the Battle for Epistemic Authority
Grant Racial and Gender Disparities in Child Protection Decision-making Racial and Gender Disparities in Child Protection Decision-making Continue reading Racial and Gender Disparities in Child Protection Decision-making
Grant Innovative practices at the "New American University": Lessons for dealing with normative and political dimensions of solutions-oriented research Innovative practices at the "New American University": Lessons for dealing with normative and political dimensions of solutions-oriented research Continue reading Innovative practices at the "New American University": Lessons for dealing with normative and political dimensions of solutions-oriented research
Grant Exchange to Rice University Department of Religion and fieldwork Los Angeles Exchange to Rice University Department of Religion and fieldwork Los Angeles Continue reading Exchange to Rice University Department of Religion and fieldwork Los Angeles
Grant Experience in a Pragmatic Pluralist View on Religious Claims Experience in a Pragmatic Pluralist View on Religious Claims Continue reading Experience in a Pragmatic Pluralist View on Religious Claims
Grant The Role of the Maternal Social Network on the Mother’s and infant’s Health Outcomes The Role of the Maternal Social Network on the Mother’s and infant’s Health Outcomes Continue reading The Role of the Maternal Social Network on the Mother’s and infant’s Health Outcomes