Fulbright Scholar Award

Fulbright-ifk Senior Fellow in Cultural Studies


Application Deadline
Monday, September 15, 2025
Award Code
Activity Type
Professional Project
The Professional Project Award Activity is an opportunity for applicants to pursue projects that would enhance their professional development and the field at large.Professional Projects may include, but are not limited to: Professional consultations or exchange of expertise with other professionals, Artist residencies, Visits to organizations in the applicant's field, Practical experience in day-to-day operations, Public lectures, Mentoring, Arranging and planning exhibitions, Performances or musical compilations, Participation in public events, Preparation of print materials (books, articles, or reviews).If your project involves classroom teaching, as opposed to public or guest lectures, then please apply for the Teaching Award Activity.If your proposed project answers a research question or will have research outcomes, then please apply for the Research Award Activity.
Research includes activities involving scientific research, qualitative research, quantitative research, and practice-based research, including artistic research. Research can take place in locations such as the laboratory, the field, the archives, or an artist residency. It can be experimental, clinical, or applied. It can include examining policies, systems, theories, methods, interactions, and works of art and music, with the objective to evaluate or develop new knowledge or works. Quantifiable (tangible) outcomes can include publications (books, journal articles, scripts, etc.), conference presentations, artistic and musical compositions, exhibitions, performances, films, and patents.
Degree Requirements
Ph.D. (or other terminal degree) required
Career Profile
Awards are open to individuals who have more than seven years of experience in an artistic profession.
Early Career Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for no more than seven years.
Mid-Career Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for more than seven, and less than 13, years.
Awards are open to individuals who have more than seven years of experience in a particular profession.
Senior Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for more than 13 years.

Number of recipients

Award Start Period
September 2026 or February 2027
Award Length
4 months
Flex Option
Multi-Country/Area Award
American Studies
Area Studies (non- U.S.)
Art History
Computer Science
Creative Writing
Criminology/Criminal Justice
Environmental Sciences
Film/Cinema Studies
Women's Studies
History (American)
History (non- U.S.)
Information Sciences/Systems
Literature (American)
Literature (non- U.S.)
Library Science
Materials Science
Media Studies
Political Science
Public Policy
Religious Studies
Urban Planning/Studies
Scholars selected for this award will be required to
Advise and/or mentor students
Conduct a research project designated by the host institution
Conduct a research project of the applicant’s choosing
Conduct a professional and/or artistic project

In addition to being a prestigious academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations and to promote international understanding and cooperation. To support this mission, Fulbright Scholars may be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host community, in addition to their primary activities‎.

Award Activity

Conduct research at the ifk International Research Center for Cultural Studies, University of Art and Design-Linz in Vienna. Research should be relevant to the ifk's overall research program, especially to its current thematic research foci (“cultures of translation”, “different work” and “situated in the global”).

The ifk discourages proposals that are either exclusively theoretical or exclusively empirical in character. It supports projects that combine empirical investigation with thoughtful theoretical work, and develop an interdisciplinary methodological framework.

The ifk offers a public lecture, and grantees can participate in ifk events, workshops, and conferences. In order to facilitate the academic exchange among the fellows, the ifk expects grantees to participate in all fellow lectures and fellow meetings. Senior fellows are also encouraged to interact with ifk research fellows and junior fellows.

Location Selection: Award is hosted by the institution listed below
Award Length and Period

Grants must begin in late September 2026 or late February 2027 in line with the Austrian academic year and the mandatory orientation. Grant activities at the host institution will begin on October 1, 2026 or March 1, 2027 and end on January 31, 2027 or June 30, 2027 respectively.

Applicants may request a specific grant period; however, award dates are contingent upon ifk logistics. Visit the ifk's website for further information.

Areas of Interest

Interdisciplinary and comparative cultural studies, social sciences, and humanities that are relevant to Viennese, Austrian, and Central European traditions.

Special Features

The philosophy of the ifk International Research Center for Cultural Studies, University of Art and Design Linz is founded on the principles of clarity, communication, and interdisciplinary exchange. Centers such as the ifk make it possible to pursue one's own academic projects away from the workday routine of the university. They offer the opportunity of exchanging views in discussion groups and conversations, of developing new ideas and of testing out plans for future projects.

The free exchange of ideas between specialists in different subject areas is, however, not just a prerequisite of innovative research. In the academic world it usually encounters a certain resistance in established disciplines which have developed their own specific terminologies which cannot be easily translated. The success of the ifk depends on the creation of a communicative milieu in which questions common to diverse disciplines can be exchanged.

All applicants must meet the Program eligibility requirements (click to review the requirements).

Citizenship/Residency Requirement
Not applicable – all U.S. citizens are eligible to apply, regardless of dual citizenship or residency.
Invitation Requirement
An invitation letter is optional.
Language Proficiency Requirements
None, English is sufficient
Additional Language Requirement

Working languages at the ifk are English and German. Some knowledge of German is advantageous but not required.

If German is required to complete the proposed research project, proficiency must be documented in the project proposal.

Additional Qualification Information

This award is open to academics and professionals with required terminal degrees, career profile, and research experience in relevant fields. 

Award Allowances

€5,000 per month (approx. $5,500; exchange rates may fluctuate) for four months

Estimated Travel and Relocation Allowance for Grantee

All grantees receive a travel and relocation allowance of €1,000 (approx. $1,100; exchange rates may fluctuate).

Do you offer additional dependent benefits
Estimated Cost of Living

For an estimated overview of the cost of living in Austria, please click here.

Special Award Benefits

The host institution provides an office space with library, computer, internet, and e-mail facilities.

Final grant amounts will be determined prior to the start of the academic year and are subject to the availability of funds. The United States Department of State and the Fulbright Commission in the host country reserve the right to alter, without notice, participating countries, number of awards and allowances.


What is life like for Fulbrighters in your country?

Fulbright Austria offers up to 23 awards. The majority of awards are anchored at specific Austrian institutions and correspondingly dedicated to host institutions' specific fields of interest, ranging from natural and life sciences, engineering, and business and economics to the social sciences, arts, and humanities. Fulbright Austria hosts two US scholar cohorts per year, with the majority of scholars arriving in spring.

In recent years, Austria has established itself as one of the top-ten destinations for Fulbright US Scholars, a success which is largely due to the excellent partnerships the Austrian Fulbright commission has built with institutions across the country. As enthusiastic supporters of the Fulbright program, Austrian institutions are excited to welcome US scholars to their campuses and to expand their professional networks. 

Please note that Austrian institutions will be on summer break from July 1 until September 30. If you contact faculty and staff, please consider that turnaround times will potentially be longer as of early July.

Fulbright Austria (the Austrian-American Educational Commission) evaluates proposals in terms of their potential to fulfill the program's mandate of promoting mutual understanding between the peoples of Austria and the United States. Proposals for flexible combinations of teaching and research will be evaluated for their scholarly excellence, comparative approaches, bilateral relevance and potential for establishing or enhancing institutional relationships. As a rule, the quality of an applicant's proposal is more important to the Austrian-American Educational Commission than the academic rank of the applicant.

Fulbright Austria expects applicants to take all possible measures to avoid plagiarism. For resources on plagiarism, please visit these external resources:
• The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research’s Best Practice Guide for Research Integrity and Ethics
• The Austrian Agency for Research Integrity’s website

Grantees to Austria are responsible for costs related to obtaining a visa in the US (processing fees, hotel, travel, etc.).

In country, the first grant payment will be disbursed at the start of the grantee's assignment, pending submission of the Austrian bank information form. Bank processing times for the first grant payment may take up to two weeks from the date of submission. Grantees should be prepared to cover their own expenses for this period. No dependent support is available. 

For an estimated overview of the cost of living in Austria, please visit: https://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/country/austria

For further information on life in Austria, please visit the U.S. Embassy Vienna's website and the Austrian Embassy Washington's website.

Dr. Franziska Brunner, Scholar Program Officer
Fulbright Austria (Austrian-American Educational Commission):
Email: fbrunner@fulbright.at
Address: Fulbright Austria, MQ, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna, Austria
Website: www.fulbright.at

Previous Fulbright Recipients

To view the alumni who have awards to Austria, please visit the grant pages on Fulbright Austria's website at https://www.fulbright.at/programs/in-austria/scholars.

Visit our Scholar Directory to view and search all Fulbright alumni. You can also learn more about Fulbright Alumni Ambassadors.