Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award

Fulbright-Charles University Distinguished Scholar

Czech Republic

Application Deadline
Monday, September 15, 2025
Award Code
Activity Type
Teaching includes classroom teaching, as well as giving guest lectures, workshops, and seminars, and engaging in other related activities. Classroom teaching is typically at the undergraduate and graduate level, and courses may be designed by the scholar or prescribed by the host institution and may be taught or co-taught by the scholar. The teaching load varies by award, as well as the host institution. Scholars may also consult on building research capacity, advise graduate students, and assist with thesis advising.
A combination of teaching and research as described above. Refer to the award description for any specifications on percentages of time that should be devoted to teaching vs research.
Degree Requirements
Ph.D. (or other terminal degree) required
Career Profile
Senior Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for more than 13 years.

Number of recipients

Up To
Award Start Period
September 2026 or January 2027 - February 2027
Award Length
3 months - 10 months
Flex Option
Multi-Country/Area Award
Projects are sought in all disciplines
Scholars selected for this award will be required to
Advise and/or mentor students
Conduct a research project of the applicant’s choosing
Teach graduate and/or undergraduate courses of the applicant’s choosing

In addition to being a prestigious academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations and to promote international understanding and cooperation. To support this mission, Fulbright Scholars may be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host community, in addition to their primary activities‎.

Award Activity

Teach one or two courses (maximum three hours) per week at advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. Regular course meets usually once a week for 90 minutes. Consult on curriculum development and discuss topic of specialization with faculty. Conduct research in area of specialization. Engagement in research cooperation.

Location Selection: Award is hosted by the institution listed below
Locations Detail

Charles University, https://cuni.cz/UKEN-108.html

Award Length and Period

Three to ten months

One-semester grants must begin in either September or late January/early February; two-semester grants must begin in September.

Areas of Interest

The range of disciplines is limited by fields offered by the Charles University, see  https://cuni.cz/UKEN-108.html

Special Features

The award is co-financed by the Fulbright Commission and the host institution. Host institutions can provide assistance with locating housing and schooling for dependents.

All applicants must meet the Program eligibility requirements (click to review the requirements).

Citizenship/Residency Requirement
Permanent residents of the award country are not eligible to apply for this award.
Invitation Requirement
An invitation letter is required.
Invitation Requirement Additional Information

Letter of invitation should state the dates of grant, name of the host contact person, accessibility of research facilities, and extent of other support provided.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the Czech Fulbright Commission (fulbright@fulbright.cz) to explore possibilities of affiliation if needed.

Language Proficiency Requirements
None, English is sufficient
Additional Language Requirement

All teaching will be in English.

Czech language fluency is also not required for research activities. 

Additional Qualification Information

Senior Academics with at least 13 years of experience sought.

Additional Comments

For more information, please contact:

The Fulbright Commission (Katerina Kloubova, Program officer, kloubova@fulbright.cz)
The Charles University (Milena Kralickova, Rector, rektorka@cuni.cz)

Award Allowances

$6,000 per month


Estimated Travel and Relocation Allowance for Grantee

$1,500 travel grant

Do you offer additional dependent benefits

Dependent allowance of $300 per month for one dependent, $500 per month for two dependents and $700 per month for three or more dependents.

Dependent travel allowance of $1,000 per dependent.

(Dependent allowances are paid only for those dependents who accompany the grantee for at least 80 percent of the grant period.)

Dependents must accompany the grantee for at least 80% of the period abroad and a minimum of one semester in order to qualify for additional dependent benefits. Dependent benefits are not provided to Flex grantees.

Estimated Cost of Living

For estimates of cost of living visit for example https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/in/Prague 

Special Award Benefits

September Orientation and Mid-year conference: Orientation brings new U.S. Fulbright scholars in the Czech Republic together for a four-day program in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. Local costs (accommodations, meals, activities, local travel) are paid for by Fulbright Commission. The same model applies for the Mid-year Conference held at the end of January. The Mid-year conference serves also as Orientation for grantees coming for Spring semester and brings together all grantees present in the country.

In-country and Inter-country lecturing program: The Fulbright Commission reimburses in-country travel costs for lecturing at Czech academic institutions and enables access to Fulbright inter-country lecturing program within Europe.

Final grant amounts will be determined prior to the start of the academic year and are subject to the availability of funds. The United States Department of State and the Fulbright Commission in the host country reserve the right to alter, without notice, participating countries, number of awards and allowances.

Czech Republic

What is life like for Fulbrighters in your country?

Discover the Czech Republic: A Vibrant Hub for Culture, Nature, and Research

Nestled in the heart of Europe, the Czech Republic combines a captivating mix of rich history, beautiful landscapes, and a thriving modern society. From the medieval castles and ancient monasteries to the scenic mountains of Bohemia and rolling vineyards of Moravia, with numerous UNESCO heritage sites, the country offers an unparalleled backdrop for both academic pursuits and outdoor adventures.

Modern-day Czech Republic is more than its storied past; it’s a dynamic and progressive nation, proud to be a key member of the European Union and NATO. Recognized as one of the world’s safest and most stable countries, it boasts a robust economy and a top-tier education system. With over 25 public universities and colleges spread across Prague and other major cities, the Czech Republic is an academic powerhouse that attracts researchers and scholars from around the globe.

A Researcher’s Dream Destination
The academic calendar runs from mid-September to May or June, offering flexibility for scholars participating in a semester or full academic year. An in-depth orientation in September ensures a smooth transition for fall semester arrivals, all participants are invited to mid-year conference in January, which serves as Orientation for the second-semester comers.

All disciplines are welcome, with special consideration for U.S.-focused studies and applicants committed to curriculum development and program innovation. New collaboration opportunities abound, whether with universities, or research institutions. Czech Fulbright offers exciting opportunity to start new research cooperation, expand professional network and establish future ties with host institutions in the Czech Republic.

Unparalleled Lifestyle and Accessibility
The Czech Republic’s central location makes it a gateway to Europe, with short travel times to Vienna, Berlin, and beyond. Meanwhile, within its own borders, the country offers an impressive range of outdoor activities—from hiking and skiing in the picturesque mountains to relaxing in historic spa towns.

Families are warmly encouraged to participate in Fulbright programs. While private international schools are available in major cities, free local schools are an excellent option for grantees staying the full academic year. Housing arrangements vary by location, and hosts often assist in finding suitable accommodation, with the stipend providing sufficient support for comfortable living.

High-Quality Healthcare and Resources
The Czech Republic provides excellent medical care, with English-speaking professionals readily available in both public and private clinics. Grantees are covered under ASPE insurance, which handles most medical needs. Private insurance is also accepted at many clinics, offering additional options.

A Safe, Family-Friendly Environment
Ranked among the top 10 safest countries in the world, the Czech Republic is a secure and welcoming place to live and work. With its blend of world-class academic institutions, rich cultural offerings, and stunning natural beauty, the Czech Republic is an inspiring destination for scholars and families alike.

For detailed information and personalized guidance, visit the Fulbright Commission’s website at fulbright.cz or contact kloubova@fulbright.cz.

Previous Fulbright Recipients

Booklets of current and former US grantees are available on our website https://www.fulbright.cz/en/grantees-and-alumni/current-grantees/ For their shared experiences and reflections see our blog http://czechfulbright.blogspot.com/ To stay updated about activities of our grantees, join the community of Czech Fulbright on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/czechfulbright and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/czechfulbright/

Visit our Scholar Directory to view and search all Fulbright alumni. You can also learn more about Fulbright Alumni Ambassadors.