Fulbright Scholar Award

All Disciplines


Application Deadline
Monday, September 15, 2025
Award Code
Activity Type
Professional Project
The Professional Project Award Activity is an opportunity for applicants to pursue projects that would enhance their professional development and the field at large.Professional Projects may include, but are not limited to: Professional consultations or exchange of expertise with other professionals, Artist residencies, Visits to organizations in the applicant's field, Practical experience in day-to-day operations, Public lectures, Mentoring, Arranging and planning exhibitions, Performances or musical compilations, Participation in public events, Preparation of print materials (books, articles, or reviews).If your project involves classroom teaching, as opposed to public or guest lectures, then please apply for the Teaching Award Activity.If your proposed project answers a research question or will have research outcomes, then please apply for the Research Award Activity.
Research includes activities involving scientific research, qualitative research, quantitative research, and practice-based research, including artistic research. Research can take place in locations such as the laboratory, the field, the archives, or an artist residency. It can be experimental, clinical, or applied. It can include examining policies, systems, theories, methods, interactions, and works of art and music, with the objective to evaluate or develop new knowledge or works. Quantifiable (tangible) outcomes can include publications (books, journal articles, scripts, etc.), conference presentations, artistic and musical compositions, exhibitions, performances, films, and patents.
Teaching includes classroom teaching, as well as giving guest lectures, workshops, and seminars, and engaging in other related activities. Classroom teaching is typically at the undergraduate and graduate level, and courses may be designed by the scholar or prescribed by the host institution and may be taught or co-taught by the scholar. The teaching load varies by award, as well as the host institution. Scholars may also consult on building research capacity, advise graduate students, and assist with thesis advising.
A combination of teaching and research as described above. Refer to the award description for any specifications on percentages of time that should be devoted to teaching vs research.
Degree Requirements
Ph.D. (or other terminal degree) not required
Career Profile
Awards are open to individuals who have more than seven years of experience in an artistic profession.
Early Career Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for no more than seven years.
Mid-Career Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for more than seven, and less than 13, years.
Awards are open to individuals who have more than seven years of experience in a particular profession.
Senior Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for more than 13 years.
Community College Faculty
Community College Faculty

Number of recipients

Award Start Period
September 2026 or February 2027
Award Length
3 months - 10 months
Flex Option
Multi-Country/Area Award
Projects are sought in all disciplines
Scholars selected for this award can choose to
Advise and/or mentor students
Assist in faculty, curriculum, and/or program development
Conduct a research project designated by the host institution
Conduct a research project of the applicant’s choosing
Teach graduate and/or undergraduate courses designated by the host institution
Teach graduate and/or undergraduate courses of the applicant’s choosing
Conduct a professional and/or artistic project

In addition to being a prestigious academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations and to promote international understanding and cooperation. To support this mission, Fulbright Scholars may be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host community, in addition to their primary activities‎.

Award Activity

Teach courses and/or conduct research in the area of specialization. Consult with or advise students (including graduate students) and faculty, as requested. There is no preference as to how scholars divide their time between teaching and research as long as there is a teaching component.

Scholars selected for this grant will be required to attend a mandatory Pre-Departure Orientation in Summer 2026.

Location Selection: Award must be undertaken at one of the following institutions
Locations Detail

Scholars should affiliate with one of the institutions listed below based on the specializations outlined:

University of Montenegro: This is Montenegro's only public university. Campuses are divided throughout the country as follows:
1. Podgorica: Political Science, Economics, Law, Technical Sciences and Medicine
2. Kotor: Tourism and Maritime Studies
3. Cetinje: Fine Arts, Drama, Film and Music
4. Niksic: Philosophy, English Language, Russian, Italian, French, German, Psychology, Sociology, History and Geography, Physical Culture, History and Pedagogy
5. Bijelo Polje: Law Management studies (Economics School branch) and Agriculture.

More information, including contact details for the above-listed campuses, can be found at the following link: University of Montenegro (ucg.ac.me).  If you experience any issues with establishing contact with potential host institutions, reach out to the Embassy via PodgoricaExchanges@state.gov, cc: janketicm2@state.gov

Award Length and Period

Three to ten months. For Flex grants, see Flex Option section.

One-semester grants must start in either September 2026 or February 2027; two-semester grants must start in September 2026. Flex grants must be completed by September 30, 2027.

Flex Description

Flex awards are offered for teaching, teaching/research and research grants.


The Flex Award is designed for scholars who require multiple visits to the host country. This option allows grants to be conducted over two or three short segments. Applicants must select Flex in the application form, and clearly describe their plans for Flex in their project statement, including a project timeline. Flex grantees may be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host-country academic community.

Grant segments are allowed to be conducted in summer months (June, July, and August)
Areas of Interest

Preferences include, but are not limited to: political science, journalism, arts, tourist industry, maritime law, American literature and civilization, marketing and economics, accounting, public health, mechanical engineering.

Special Features

Unique opportunities also exist for U.S. political scientists, international relations and diplomacy specialists and journalists seeking an affiliation with the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Montenegro-Podgorica, where the next generation of diplomats, politicians and journalists in Montenegro are trained. 

All applicants must meet the Program eligibility requirements (click to review the requirements).

Citizenship/Residency Requirement
Not applicable – all U.S. citizens are eligible to apply, regardless of dual citizenship or residency.
Invitation Requirement
An invitation letter is preferred.
Invitation Requirement Additional Information

Scholars should affiliate with one of the institutions listed below based on the specializations outlined below.

University of Montenegro: This is Montenegro's only public university. Campuses are divided throughout the country as follows:
1) Podgorica: Political Science, Economics, Law, Technical Sciences and Medicine
2) Kotor: Tourism and Maritime Studies
3) Cetinje: Fine Arts, Drama, Film and Music
4) Niksic: Philosophy, English Language, Russian, Italian, French, German, Psychology, Sociology, History and Geography, Physical Culture, History and Pedagogy
5) Bijelo Polje: Law Management studies (Economics School branch) and Agriculture.

More information, including contact details for the above-listed campuses, can be found at the following link: University of Montenegro (ucg.ac.me).  

Language Proficiency Requirements
None, English is sufficient. However, feasibility of conducting the project must be demonstrated in the project statement
Additional Language Requirement

Knowledge of local language is not required.  However, at least basic knowledge of local language may make it far easier to interact outside the classroom (shopping, getting around, finding a place to live, etc.).  In some cases, classes may be taught in English, with translation provided by the host institution as necessary.

For research, applicants without local language proficiency must demonstrate the feasibility of conducting the project in the project statement.

Additional Qualification Information

Preference is given to applicants with a Ph.D., but professionals with university teaching experience are also encouraged to apply.

Additional Comments

If you have any questions, please email the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica: PodgoricaExchanges@state.gov, cc: janketicm2@state.gov.

You may be asked to participate in an interview as part of the in-country selection process.

Interview Requirements

Depending on the number and quality of received applications, the Embassy may conduct interviews in English online. 

Award Allowances

Grant benefits include a monthly maintenance allowance, comprised of a base stipend and living and housing allowances. The base stipend varies based on a scholar's current academic rank (or professional equivalent). Living and housing allowances vary based on the city of placement, and the number of accompanying dependents. Dependent housing and living allowances will not be provided to Flex grantees.

Researcher and Professional Project Monthly Allowances
Teaching or Teaching/Research Award Monthly Allowances
Estimated Travel and Relocation Allowance for Grantee


For Flex grants: round trip travel will be included for each segment of the grant for the grantee only. 

Estimated Book and Research Allowance

$1,500 books and educational materials allowance for teaching and teaching/research grants; should be donated to the host institution (or other entity) upon grantee's departure.

Do you offer additional dependent benefits

Additional living and housing allowance is provided for grantees with one accompanying dependent or two or more accompanying dependents. These amounts range from $300/month to $550/month.

In addition, travel allowances are provided for dependents: $2,000 for one dependent, and $4,000 for two or more dependents.

A dependent education allowance for accompanying dependents in grades K-12 is reimbursed at $5,000 maximum for one semester, $10,000 maximum for a full academic year, upon submission of receipts and depending on funding availability. Reimbursement is based on actual costs.

Dependents must accompany the grantee for at least 80% of the period abroad and a minimum of one semester in order to qualify for additional dependent benefits. Dependent benefits are not provided to Flex grantees.

Estimated Cost of Living

U.S. SCHOLARS - 2023



Research Awards                                                                                           $ 2,370
Teaching or Teaching/Research Awards (Asst. Professor or Below)         $ 3,140
Teaching or Teaching/Research Awards (Assoc. or Full Professor)           $ 3,360
Distinguished Scholar Awards                                                                      $ 4,000

Single or no accompanying dependents                $ 700        
One accompanying dependent                               $ 750    
Two or more accompanying dependents               $ 800

III.    HOUSING ALLOWANCE:                            

Single or no accompanying dependents                $ 900        
One accompanying dependent                               $ 1,150    
Two or more accompanying dependents               $ 1,350

IV.    TRAVEL AND RELOCATION ALLOWANCES:                $ 4,570        

Travel and Relocation allowances include the following:

Round-trip air travel                            $ 2,800        
Relocation                                            $ 750        
In-transit                                              $ 250        
Excess baggage                                  $ 550
Registration                                         $ 220        

V.    BOOK ALLOWANCE:                            
For Teaching Awards                            $ 1,500

One accompanying dependent                    $ 2,000
Two or more accompanying dependents                $ 4,000

For Research Awards ONLY                        $0


Special Award Benefits


Please refer to the figures above for an estimate of total monthly Fulbright award benefits. Benefits may include a monthly base stipend, living and housing allowances, and additional one-time allowances. Benefits may vary based on a scholar's current academic rank (or professional equivalent), the city of placement, the type of award (teaching, teaching/research, or research), and the number of and duration of stay of accompanying dependents. Research-only or Professional Project grantees receive a standard stipend that is not adjusted for academic rank. In most cases, dependent benefits will not be provided to Flex grantees, or to grantees pursuing grants less than four months (or a semester) in length.

Final grant amounts will be determined prior to the start of the academic year and are subject to the availability of funds. The United States Department of State reserves the right to alter, without notice, participating countries, number of awards and allowances.


What is life like for Fulbrighters in your country?

Montenegro is known for its beautiful landscapes, ranging from ski-worthy mountains to the lovely Adriatic coast. Montenegro has an economic divide, with the capital city and beach towns enjoying more prosperity than the north. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on all segments of the economy, and especially the tourism industry.

The country joined NATO in 2017 and is on the path toward EU membership, but work still remains to be done, particularly in strengthening the rule of law. Parliamentary elections in August 2020 marked the first change of political power since the introduction of a multiparty political system in the early 1990s. 

Three universities are located in Podgorica, with some departments located in the student towns of Cetinje and Niksic, approximately a 45-minute drive from Podgorica. A few university departments are in the North, in the cities of Berane and Bijelo Polje.

Academic fields of special significance and interest are: political science, journalism, arts, tourist industry, maritime law, American literature and civilization, marketing and economics, accounting, public health, mechanical engineering. Preference will be given to teaching and research proposals from U.S. faculty within these fields, with a focus on the following topics: higher education administration, American culture, the rule of law, fighting crime and corruption, civil society, empowering women, increasing economic opportunities (especially in the north of Montenegro), the hospitality industry, public health and youth issues.

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