Fulbright Scholar Award

All Disciplines


Application Deadline
Monday, September 15, 2025
Award Code
Activity Type
Professional Project
The Professional Project Award Activity is an opportunity for applicants to pursue projects that would enhance their professional development and the field at large.Professional Projects may include, but are not limited to: Professional consultations or exchange of expertise with other professionals, Artist residencies, Visits to organizations in the applicant's field, Practical experience in day-to-day operations, Public lectures, Mentoring, Arranging and planning exhibitions, Performances or musical compilations, Participation in public events, Preparation of print materials (books, articles, or reviews).If your project involves classroom teaching, as opposed to public or guest lectures, then please apply for the Teaching Award Activity.If your proposed project answers a research question or will have research outcomes, then please apply for the Research Award Activity.
Research includes activities involving scientific research, qualitative research, quantitative research, and practice-based research, including artistic research. Research can take place in locations such as the laboratory, the field, the archives, or an artist residency. It can be experimental, clinical, or applied. It can include examining policies, systems, theories, methods, interactions, and works of art and music, with the objective to evaluate or develop new knowledge or works. Quantifiable (tangible) outcomes can include publications (books, journal articles, scripts, etc.), conference presentations, artistic and musical compositions, exhibitions, performances, films, and patents.
Teaching includes classroom teaching, as well as giving guest lectures, workshops, and seminars, and engaging in other related activities. Classroom teaching is typically at the undergraduate and graduate level, and courses may be designed by the scholar or prescribed by the host institution and may be taught or co-taught by the scholar. The teaching load varies by award, as well as the host institution. Scholars may also consult on building research capacity, advise graduate students, and assist with thesis advising.
A combination of teaching and research as described above. Refer to the award description for any specifications on percentages of time that should be devoted to teaching vs research.
Degree Requirements
Ph.D. (or other terminal degree) not required
Career Profile
Early Career Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for no more than seven years.
Mid-Career Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for more than seven, and less than 13, years.
Awards are open to individuals who have more than seven years of experience in a particular profession.
Senior Academics
Awards are open to those who have been working in the capacity of a teacher or scholar for more than 13 years.
Community College Faculty
Community College Faculty

Number of recipients

Award Start Period
September 2026 - April 2027
Award Length
3 months - 5 months
Flex Option
Multi-Country/Area Award
Projects are sought in all disciplines
Scholars selected for this award can choose to
Advise and/or mentor students
Assist in faculty, curriculum, and/or program development
Conduct a research project of the applicant’s choosing
Teach graduate and/or undergraduate courses designated by the host institution
Teach graduate and/or undergraduate courses of the applicant’s choosing
Conduct a professional and/or artistic project

In addition to being a prestigious academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations and to promote international understanding and cooperation. To support this mission, Fulbright Scholars may be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host community, in addition to their primary activities‎.

Award Activity

Conduct research, teach or a combination of teaching and research in any field at an appropriate host institution in Luxembourg. Applications for professional projects are also accepted.

In addition to being a prestigious academic exchange program, the Fulbright Program is designed to expand and strengthen relationships between the people of the United States and citizens of other nations and to promote international understanding and cooperation. To support this mission, Fulbright Scholars will be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host community, in addition to their primary research or teaching activities‎.

The Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States, Belgium, and Luxembourg in Brussels is responsible for running this Fulbright Program with the support of the U.S. Embassy to Luxembourg. Both the Luxembourgish and U.S. governments financially support this program.

The Fulbright Commission in Brussels is actively looking for academics and professionals a wide array of backgrounds or projects that they would like to implement in Luxembourg. We are committed to recruiting grantees to Luxembourg to highlight the vast plethora of talent and qualifications that the United States has to offer. In addition to traditional academic scholars, we also encourage applications from professionals, researchers, community college faculty or candidates with significant experience in the field they would like to do research in. Professionals could be policy-makers, policy analysts, researchers at think tanks, non-profit organizations (NGOs), associations, learned societies, foundations, decision-makers at state or federal government offices and individuals in industry or the media with relevant professional experience for their proposed project. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.

Location Selection: Applicant may propose an appropriate host
Locations Detail

Scholars and professionals are welcome to submit applications affiliated with any appropriate institution in Luxembourg, including higher education institutions, government institutions, think tanks, and non-profit organizations. The University of Luxembourg, established in 2003, provides many opportunities for US faculty interested in teaching and/or conducting research.

The Fulbright Commission seeks to promote a wide range of applicants, including geographic and linguistic variety of placements and types of host institutions.

Award Length and Period

Applications will be considered for one semester (i.e. three to five months) and should occur between September 2026 and June 2027.

All applicants must meet the Program eligibility requirements (click to review the requirements).

Citizenship/Residency Requirement
Applicants residing in the award country at the time of application or thereafter are not eligible to apply for this award.
Dual citizens of the award country are not eligible to apply for this award.
Permanent residents of the award country are not eligible to apply for this award.
Invitation Requirement
An invitation letter is preferred.
Invitation Requirement Additional Information

A letter of invitation is preferred, but not required. Please keep in mind that a formal letter of invitation will be required to obtain a travel document, and thus including this in your application can ease the transition into the grant period.

Language Proficiency Requirements
None, English is sufficient
Additional Language Requirement

Proficiency in French, German, or Luxembourgish is helpful, but not required.

You may be asked to participate in an interview as part of the in-country selection process.

Interview Requirements

All semi-finalists for this award will be invited to a brief virtual interview with a panel composed by the Fulbright Commission in Brussels. Grantees will be notified of their interview date and time at least two weeks before it is scheduled, and the interview will be 20 minutes or shorter. More specific details of the interview process will by provided by the Fulbright Commission to all semi-finalists to give them time to prepare for the interview. 

Award Allowances

$3,422 per month (€3,250)

(Note: Grant will be awarded in euro; USD value may fluctuate.)

Estimated Travel and Relocation Allowance for Grantee

One-time travel allowance of $1,053 (€1,000 - for grantee only).

(Note: Grant will be awarded in euro; USD value may fluctuate.)

Do you offer additional dependent benefits
Estimated Cost of Living

Cost of living in Luxembourg is, on average, a bit higher than the average cost of living in the United States. You can find a list of average prices here, including the option to compare cost of living to where you are currently located. Compared to most of the United States, these are some major differences:

  • Healthcare is usually quite affordable: an appointment with a general practitioner would normally cost around €25 ($27).
  • Public transportation in Luxembourg is free throughout the country and for all modes of transport - trams, trains and buses. The only exception is 1st class seats on trains. The scheme applies to residents, cross-border commuters and tourists alike, and more information on other mobility options in Luxembourg can be found here.
  • Rent in Luxembourg is higher than in most parts of the United States. A one-bedroom apartment can be rented in most parts of the country for around €1300-1600. Scholars seeking affiliation with the University of Luxembourg may be eligible for housing for visiting researchers at a below-market rate.
Special Award Benefits

All grantees in Luxembourg receive support from both the Fulbright Commission in Brussels and the U.S. Embassy to Luxembourg. They are included in cultural programming throughout their grant, including activities with the FAAB (Fulbright Alumni Association Belgium), workshops with other grantees, and receptions at the local U.S. Embassy. Grantees may also participate in the Fulbright Inter-country Lecturer Program within Europe during their stay in Luxembourg.

Final grant amounts will be determined prior to the start of the academic year and are subject to the availability of funds. The United States Department of State and the Fulbright Commission in the host country reserve the right to alter, without notice, participating countries, number of awards and allowances.


What is life like for Fulbrighters in your country?

About Luxembourg

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is located in the heart of Europe, bordered by France, Germany, and Belgium. At only 999 square miles, the country is only about 80% the size of Rhode Island with a population of just over 660,000. Despite a strong national identity (its national motto, "Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sinn," translates as "We want to remain what we are"), the country's history as a founding member of the European Union can still be felt today in the small state's cosmopolitan outlook - not least thanks to the European Institutions, a remarkably diverse, multicultural population (nearly half of which are foreign!) and the multitude of European and international political and financial institutions it hosts.

Even with this international mindset, it is easier to get around the capital (128,000 inhabitants) than it is in Berlin or Paris. The distances are short. There is a lively nightlife scene around the fashionable bars of Hollerich, Grund and Clausen in the capital, or in the "Rockhal" and the "Kulturfabrik" at Esch/Alzette. Luxembourg's modern importance on the international scale lives hand in hand with history that dots its cities and countryside. The capital's Old Quarters and Fortifications have been designated a UNESCO world heritage site since 1994, and there are over 100 castles sprinkled across the countryside.

Luxembourg is a trilingual country -- its official languages are French, German, and Luxembourgish -- and while most citizens speak all three languages fluently, there is no shortage of resources available in English for Fulbright grantees and their dependents. During your period in the country, the Fulbright Commission in Brussels and the U.S. Embassy in Luxembourg will provide support to help you get settled in your host country and experience the richness that Luxembourg has to offer. Throughout the year, we hold different events for Fulbright grantees, including an orientation meeting in the fall, a mid-year meeting in February, and other informal events such as a Thanksgiving dinner or visits to cultural events around Belgium and Luxembourg. Individual appointments with Fulbright staff are always possible to discuss issues as they come up throughout the year, or to provide key information before your arrival in Luxembourg.

The Fulbright Commission offers an award for a semester of research, teaching and combinations of teaching/research that are available for applicants in any academic field who are interested in joining a Fulbright program that prides itself on the research and cultural programming it provides. Scholars may present their research or give guest lectures throughout Europe via Europe's inter-country lecturer program, and they are often encouraged to assist the U.S. Embassy in Brussels with cultural lecturer requests. Applicants proposing research or teaching stays at a university should note that the academic calendar runs from mid-September through the end of January, and from February through mid-June. Applicants wishing to learn more about the Fulbright grantee experience in Luxembourg can read blog posts by previous grantees on the website of the Fulbright Commission in Brussels.

Overview of Visa Requirements

If staying in the Schengen Area for longer than 90 days, grantees to Luxembourg must apply for a Temporary Stay Authorization (AST) prior to departure from the U.S. and for a residence permit after arrival. Please note that although the Fulbright Commission provides assistance with the AST application process, the responsibility for obtaining the necessary travel documents lies with the applicant.

Previous Fulbright Recipients

"The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual, multicultural institution, located in an equally cosmopolitan country at the heart of the European Union. My colleagues in the Humanities and Social Sciences engaged me in the intellectual life of the campus, connecting me with a host of opportunities in the broader community. The excellent students made teaching in the MA and PhD programs exciting and fun." - Barbara Allen, 2021-22 Fulbright Scholar to Luxembourg

"I applied for this award because another U.S. professor highly recommended the University of Luxembourg as a terrific place to do research. I was also excited to apply for a research grant in a multi-lingual country I had never been to before." - Leandra Lederman, 2018-2019 Fulbright Scholar to Luxembourg

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