Appointing a Fulbright Scholar Liaison

U.S. Institutions of higher education are encouraged to appoint a Fulbright Scholar Liaison to facilitate increased participation in the Fulbright Scholar Program via institutional level support and peer to peer engagement.

Liaisons traditionally come from, but are not limited to, the following backgrounds: A senior administrator who can approve faculty leave and support policies, an administrator in faculty affairs, the fellowships/grants or research office who can speak to institution specific protocols for off-campus leave, Fulbright Scholar alumni who can speak to the transformative experience, impact and benefit of a Fulbright Scholar award. Liaisons can be appointed by the dean, provost, or president of an institution. 

New Scholar Liaisons are encouraged to attend Liaison events either in person or through webinars. Fulbright training resources are free and open to any designated Scholar Liaison. We also host monthly Liaison Linkups, where liaisons from different institutions can meet with program staff for updates, to have their questions answered, and to meet other Scholar Liaisons. Upcoming Liaison events can be found in Liaison Trainings and Events. 

To see if there is currently a Scholar Liaison appointed at your institution please go to the Scholar Liaison Network.

To appoint a Scholar Liaison:

  • The president/dean/provost/current Liaison or other approved supervisor should contact IIE with an email of appointment.  If there is a Liaison already on file for that institution, the email should also specify whether the current Liaison should be left in that role and the new Liaison added in addition or removed from the system entirely. 
  • The appointment must include:
    • Full name
    • Title
    • Email address
    • Office address/campus location, and
    • Phone number of the Liaison as it should appear on the Fulbright website.
  • Institutions may appoint up to three Liaisons to help with the wide range of duties. 
  • Once approved, a Liaison will receive a welcome email with information on the Fulbright Scholar Program and resources for managing Fulbright on campus.

If you have any questions, please email us at Fulbright Scholar Liaisons work with applicants for the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. If you are interested in becoming or appointing a Fulbright Program Advisor to work with students interested in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, please visit: Appointing a Fulbright Program Advisor.