Outreach Lecturing Fund

7 people standing shoulder to shoulder, smiling and holding their trombones.
Marcia Medrano Serrano (right) from Mexico received OLF support to visit the University of New Mexico’s Department of Music. She presented her research on Mexican composers’ repertoire for trombone ensembles and led a rehearsal during her visit, laying the groundwork for future collaborations.

The Outreach Lecturing Fund (OLF) provides funding for campuses to host Fulbright Visiting Scholars, already in the United States, for short-term speaking engagements. The OLF award is designed to enrich both institutions and Visiting Scholars through lectures that will promote academic disciplines and cultural understanding. Additionally, the OLF seeks to build relationships and partnerships with institutions that are currently underrepresented within the Fulbright Program as a means to promote future opportunities. Eligible applications to host a Visiting Scholar through the OLF program must include activities at one of the following types of institutions: Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, small liberal arts colleges, women’s colleges, art colleges, rural institutions, military colleges, and geographically underrepresented institutions.  Institutions that do not fall into any of these categories may still participate by planning activities at a nearby eligible institution as a part of their proposal.   

To find a scholar, start by exploring the OLF Directory of Visiting Scholars currently eligible to participate in the program. 

Award Basics: 

The OLF program awards short-term travel grants of at least $1,500 to support current Fulbright Visiting Scholars for short-term visits (2-5 days) to accredited, non-profit, U.S. Institutions of Higher Education outside of their primary host community. As scholars are responsible for making their own travel arrangements, the program encourages host institutions to assist scholars with arranging lodging and local transit on site. 


Applications to the Outreach Lecturing Fund must be submitted by the U.S. institution wishing to host a Fulbright Visiting Scholar. Scholars may not apply to OLF directly. 

OLF Host Institution Application


The OLF program accepts applications on a rolling basis throughout the year. Please submit your application at least 30 days before your proposed OLF dates. 

Contact Us:

Contact Fulbright’s Outreach Lecturing Fund Team by emailing OLF@iie.org.

15 people standing in the front of a classroom with a presentation projected on the wall behind them. The Fulbright scholar is in the bottom row, third from left.
Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Jane Frances Banseka of Cameroon (front, fourth from right) visited Oklahoma Baptist University through the OLF program, where she shared her expertise in environmental science with students.

Eligibility Requirements

The Outreach Lecturing Fund aims to increase institutional participation in the Fulbright Program and works to ensure Visiting Scholars experience the full range of institutional diversity in U.S. higher education.  The below detailed description outlines the eligibility requirements for applicant institutions as well as participating scholars.  It also outlines the types of activities each OLF travel award must include. 

If you have any questions about your institution's eligibility, or are not certain if the events you are planning meet the below guidelines, make sure to reach out to us at  so that we can provide guidance and support as you apply.   olf@iie.org

Institutional Requirements

Eligible Institutions:  Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, small liberal arts colleges, women’s colleges, art colleges, rural institutions, military colleges, and institutions that have not had prior Fulbright engagement or institutions in geographically underrepresented states. 

Other Institutions: For profit educational institutions, non-accredited institutions of higher education, K-12 educational institutions and other organizations are NOT eligible for OLF awards unless they are partnering with an eligible institution to apply and co-host the scholar at multiple sites. Similarly, non-MSI leading research institutions that are already highly engaged with the Fulbright Program are NOT eligible to benefit from the OLF program unless they partner with an eligible institution. 

Multiple awards: Institutions may receive up to (2) TWO visits from Fulbright Visiting Scholars through the Outreach Lecturing Fund each academic year.  

Scholar Requirements

Basic Scholar Eligibility: 

  • Eligible scholars must appear in the OLF directory and be on a grant of at least three months. 
  • OLF Travel Award activities cannot take place during the last 30 days of a scholar's Fulbright exchange visit.  
  • Scholars may only be awarded two OLF travel awards during the period of their Fulbright exchange. 

Scholar Financial Requirements: 

OLF benefits received by the Fulbright Visiting Scholar are taxable and payments can be issued only to U.S. bank accounts. There are no exceptions. In order to participate in the program and receive an OLF award, scholars MUST meet the following financial requirements:

  • Scholars must obtain and report their Social Security Number (SSN) or a valid Individual Taxpayer ID Number (ITIN) through IIE's participant portal to be eligible. OLF awards are taxable. While the Fulbright Program will cover any taxes due related to an OLF award payment, it will require the Fulbrighter to complete a tax return for the year(s) in which they received OLF payments. IIE will provide tax information and guidance when it is time to file your taxes.
  • Scholars MUST set up a U.S. bank account. The preferred and fastest way to receive payment is though IIePay, which utilizes Zelle, compatible with most US banks. In the event that Zelle is not possible, we are able to make payments via ACH transfer which requires additional documentation. Other methods of payment are not supported by the program.
OLF Activity Requirements

OLF activities must meet the following requirements related to duration and repeat participation, supported activities, and location.


  • OLF visits can be roughly 2-5 days but should never be longer than one calendar week. Award amounts are not adjusted based on program length. 
  • Participating scholars may not undertake back-to-back OLF awards that would take them away from their primary host for more than one week.  A gap of at least one month in between OLF awards must be observed. 

Acceptable Activities

Note that OLF travel awards are exclusively for supporting Visiting Scholars to visit U.S. institutions to give lectures and engage with students, faculty, and the general public. Therefore, personal travel, individual research pursuits, or conference attendance is not an acceptable OLF award activity.  

The overall activity plan must include, at a minimum, three events that meet the program requirements of at least one academic/cultural lecture, one Fulbright Program-focused event, and at least one event that engages the broader community. More detail can be found in Application Steps at left, in step 2.  

OLF awards are not intended to support scholar attendance at conferences, personal research pursuits, or vacation travel. Such activities will not be approved and should not be included in the OLF application.   

The Fulbright Program is a federally funded program. As such, any OLF events hosted should be free for their intended audiences.

Acceptable Destinations/Multi-Institution Proposals

Successful OLF awards should be focused on a single destination even if it includes more than one institutional visit. For example, OLF applications proposing visits across large distances or multiple states are subject to review and approval based on feasibility and travel distance required. 


Four individuals standing shoulder-to-shoulder front of a sign that reads "University of Guam". They are all holding up 3 fingers and the 2 inner people are holding the logo of the university.
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Maciej Krzysztof Lisicki of Poland (second from left), traveled to the University of Guam with OLF support.  In addition to sharing his expertise in physics and fluid dynamics with students and faculty, he also had the chance to meet with the university’s leadership team. 

Getting Started

The OLF program connects U.S. institutions of higher education and Fulbright Visiting Scholars and provides enriching benefits to both. Institutions can identify a current Visiting Scholar and invite them to plan an OLF award application utilizing the OLF directory. Scholars can also reach out to institutions who may wish to host them. However you make your connection, after a suitable match is identified and both the institution and scholar are ready to move forward, a representative of the inviting U.S. institution must fill out the OLF application (see application steps). This will require planning with the Fulbrighter and gathering any required materials prior to submission. The below guidelines should help you get started. You can also always reach out to the OLF team for guidance at olf@iie.org


Who Makes a Great Host?

Once you have determined your institution is eligible (see eligibility for more details) to receive an OLF visitor (or if you have a plan to partner with an eligible institution), seek out energetic faculty members willing to review the list according to their areas of interest to help with the selection and hosting process. The most successful programs tend to include at least one engaged faculty member working with the Visiting Scholar before, during, and after the visit. Additionally, asking multiple faculty members within a department if they have closely scheduled/related classes that could benefit from the same scholar coming and speaking to the students. 

How Do I Identify a Fulbright Visiting Scholar to Invite?

Peruse the OLF Directory to search for scholars who are currently on program and eligible to visit campuses through the OLF program. You can think about general field or specialization or country of origin as a way to narrow down your search in advance.  See below for other tips.    

How Do I Choose Subject Matter? 

Look at the events that are happening on your campus & campus community in the coming months. Can a cultural or other thematic event be enhanced by having a scholar from a certain country or with certain topical expertise come give a guest lecture, discuss a film, participate in a workshop or panel discussion? Once you have identified your topics of interest, use the OLF directory to search for scholars that may be able to address those topics on a timeline that works for your institution and is at least 30 days in the future. You are able to search their discipline and specialization and can use the internet to research more about any individual that is of interest to you.  

How Do I Choose a Country?

This is up to your institution's interests.  It may help to consider your study abroad programs. What countries are popular with students? Do you have countries that you’d like to encourage increased engagement with or with which your institution has existing partnerships? That can help you find another audience for your OLF visitor and help you narrow down the list of possible scholar invitees.

Before you Apply, Plan your Required Activities

OLF Host Institutions must plan with their Visiting Fulbrighter a program of a minimum of three events following the below structure: 

  1. One or more Academic/Cultural lecture(s): at least one (more are welcome) event focused on the scholar’s research/area of expertise and/or a topic related to the Fulbright Scholar’s home country/culture.
  2. One or more Fulbright Program-focused event(s) where students and faculty can learn about the Fulbright Scholar’s individual Fulbright experience and receive information about Fulbright opportunities. These activities should be coordinated with a Fulbright Program Advisor or Fulbright Scholar Liaison on campuses which have them.  Local chapters of the Fulbright Association (the organization of Fulbright Alumni) and on-campus and local Fulbright alumni groups and stakeholders should also be informed of planned OLF events in their area.  IIE will provide OLF participants with a toolkit for Fulbright-focused events that includes flyers.     
  3. One or more community engagement(s): The OLF mission includes engaging the broader local community where institutions of higher education are embedded.  Public libraries, museums, K-12 schools, and other community organizations are often eager for opportunities to engage with international visitors.  

Additional activities are always welcome and encouraged. Many OLF visits also include tours of the host institution; opportunities for networking meetings with faculty, students, administrators; and additional lectures or activities at nearby institutions. 

How does the funding work for the OLF Travel Award?  Will it cost my institution money to host a scholar?

Award Basics: OLF awards are intended to fund the roundtrip travel, lodging, meals, and transit costs for a short visit. Note that institutions do not receive any financial award for participation. Rather, the traveling Visiting Scholar is paid a flat OLF award amount of at least $1500. Depending on the location of the OLF visit, for example if it is a high-cost destination, the final award amount may be higher. The final award amount will be shared with host and scholar at the time of the application's approval. The scholar and the institution are responsible for keeping their activity plan within the final award amount, as additional funding will not be considered.  

Cost-Sharing: Hosting an OLF visitor will require time and planning as the most significant in-kind contribution. Host Institutions are not required to make a financial contribution to support an OLF visit from a Fulbrighter. However, OLF host applicants are strongly encouraged to assist their scholar in making their travel plans, especially for local lodging and transit.  It is always appreciated and allowed for an institution to cost-share by covering local travel costs such as lodging, but it is not required.  

Honoraria: Host Institutions are permitted, but not required, to issue honorarium payments to scholars, but only if the offer is included in your application documentation (see application steps for more details). It must be planned in advance, as pre-approval is required for any income to scholars on J-1 visa sponsorship (Fulbright Scholars are sponsored on J-1 exchange visitor visas).  



Two individuals talking in a lab, standing in front of a computer and surrounded by various stacks and cluttering of lab supplies.
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Debasis Golui of India (right), visited the University of California, Irvine (UCI) with support from the Outreach Lecturing Fund.  He presented his research on the dynamics of arsenic in the soil-plant-human continuum to faculty and students working in the field of environmental engineering, and also had a chance to tour UCI’s labs.

How to Apply

Institutions may host Visiting Scholars throughout the year, and applications are received and reviewed on a rolling basis.  OLF Host Institution applicants MUST submit their OLF Application at least 30 days prior to the proposed program dates. Remember, scholars cannot apply directly to the OLF program. Applicants will learn of their proposal status within a week of submission. Once an OLF award is approved, additional guidance and materials will be shared with both the scholar and the host institution to prepare for the visit. 

The below provides an overview of the steps involved for a typical OLF award from start to finish.


Step 1: Identify a Scholar

Faculty and professional staff of U.S. colleges and universities can identify scholars and reach out to them to plan an application to the Outreach Lecturing Fund through the OLF Directory. Sometimes a scholar may have reached out to an institution first. However the contact happened, once a match is made, the inviting institution should fill out the application, gathering any necessary support information from the scholar directly. 

Step 2:  Plan your OLF Activities and Confirm Your Dates

OLF Host Institutions must plan with their Visiting Fulbrighter a program of a minimum of three events following the below structure: 

  1. One or more Academic/Cultural lecture(s): at least one (more are welcome) event focused on the scholar’s research/area of expertise and/or a topic related to the Fulbright Scholar’s home country/culture.
  2. One or more Fulbright Program-focused event(s) where students and faculty can learn about the Fulbright Scholar’s individual Fulbright experience and receive information about Fulbright opportunities. These activities should be coordinated with a Fulbright Program Advisor or Fulbright Scholar Liaison on campuses which have them. Local chapters of the Fulbright Association (the organization of Fulbright Alumni) and on-campus and local Fulbright alumni groups and stakeholders should also be informed of planned OLF events in their area. IIE will provide OLF participants with a toolkit for Fulbright-focused events that includes flyers.     
  3. One or more community engagement(s): The OLF mission includes engaging the broader local community where institutions of higher education are embedded.  Public libraries, museums, K-12 schools, and other community organizations are often eager for opportunities to engage with international visitors.  

Restrictions: OLF awards are not intended to support scholar attendance at conferences, personal research pursuits, or vacation travel. Such activities will not be approved and should not be included in the OLF application.   

Additional Activities: Additional activities beyond the minimum of three are always welcome and encouraged. Many OLF visits also include tours of the host institution; opportunities for networking meetings with faculty, students, administrators; and additional lectures or activities at nearby institutions. 

Visit Duration: The typical OLF award runs 2-4 days and typically requires the Visiting Scholar to be away from their primary host institution for 3-5 days.  OLF plans lasting longer than one calendar week will not be approved. 

Step 3: Gather the Required Documentation
  • OLF Hosting Institution(s) Contact Information
  • Visiting Scholar Contact & Grant Information 
  • Institutional Cost-Sharing & Scholar Honoraria Information (see below)
  • Itinerary of Activities- date, time, title, audience, type of activity for each 
  • Required Supplemental Documents, to be attached within application:
    • Institutional Letter of Invitation - View requirements/checklist (PDF)
      • A note on honoraria: OLF Host Institutions may, if they choose, offer an honorarium to scholars, but that intention must be specified in the Institutional Letter of Invitation. J1 Visa regulations dictate that any payments received from entities other than the visa sponsor be pre-approved; therefore, honoraria payments cannot be approved retroactively.  
    • Letter from the Visiting Scholar’s Faculty Associate (at their primary hosting institution) - View letter template (PDF)
Step 4: Institutions Submit the Application

Within one week of receiving the application, IIE will inform the requesting institution and scholar whether or not the Outreach Lecturing Fund Award has been approved and provide the approved budget for their award via a letter shared with the OLF Host Institution and the Participating Scholar. Note: Fulbright Program staff will make every effort to support interested institutions to host a Visitor through the OLF program. However, sometimes the OLF team may require changes to the program plan prior to approval.  Please be responsive to their feedback. 

Step 5: Award Approval and Initial Payment to Scholar 

Once the OLF award is approved and the terms accepted by all parties, the Fulbright Visiting Scholar will receive the approved OLF initial payment (at least $1,000) through a direct deposit into the scholar’s U.S. bank account. To receive payment the Visiting Scholar must set up IIePay, following the registration instructions. An additional $500 is withheld until the OLF visit is completed and all final stories and photos are received. 

Step 6: Scholars Make Travel Arrangements

Fulbright scholars are responsible for making their own roundtrip travel arrangements, although support and assistance from host institutions is appreciated in order to ensure a smooth visit to your local area.  

The Fulbright Program welcomes cost-sharing in the form of lodging, local transit, or meals, although this is not required. Award amounts will not be reduced in the event that such expenses are able to be covered by the host institution. 

Make sure you have a plan in place for the scholar's transit and lodging at arrival, as well as for transit throughout the visit. 

Make a plan for transit at departure.  

Step 7: Engage with Scholar Across Campus and in your Local Community

Please follow these guidelines as you host your Visiting Scholar and carry out your planned events: 

  • If your events need to shift or change at the last minute, please do your best to ensure you are still meeting the three required events as described above in Step 2.  
  • Utilize this toolkit that includes Fulbright Program flyers to enhance the quality of your event focused on the Fulbright Program (as described in step 2 above).
  • Promote your event online and around your institution's campus using this OLF Event Flyer Template.
  • Ensure you are documenting the visit through photographs that you will be required to submit afterwards. Photographs of the scholar interacting with students, faculty, or community members are of particular interest.  This resource explains how to frame a great photo that will help you tell your OLF story in an appealing and accessible way.  
  • Remember you can always reach out to  if you have any questions or concerns. olf@iie.org
Step 8: Submit your OLF Stories and Photos

After the scholar returns to their primary host institution and the OLF travel is completed, the program requires final story and photo submission from both the host institution and the Fulbright Visiting Scholar before issuing the final payment to the scholar. Timely completion is important.   

  1. Institutions must submit their Post-Program stories by logging back into their OLF application account and re-opening the application status page. 
  2. Scholars must share their OLF Story here.
  3. Both Scholar and Institutions must submit high-resolution photos online, using the tag #OLF.  Photos tell a great story when they follow these guidelines.   

IMPORTANT: These steps must be completed in order for the Visiting Scholar who visited your campus can receive their final award installment. 

Step 9: Scholars Receive Final Award Payment

Once all final documentation is in, Scholars will be issued the balance of their OLF travel award.   








For Visiting Scholars
A man sitting in the aisle seat of a theatre with red chairs, looking thoughtfully towards the stage
Chi Chou Hsieh, Visiting Scholar from Taiwan, visited both Louisiana Tech University and Grambling State University in Louisiana with OLF support. An expert in Opera production, he performed Taiwanese art songs and led workshops with students to compare production standards and practices between the U.S. and Taiwan.

Information for Visiting Scholars

The Outreach Lecturing Fund (OLF) is a resource Fulbright provides to benefit U.S. institutions of higher education as well as enrich the exchange visits of Fulbright Visiting Scholars. Fulbright Scholars should thoroughly review the below points to ensure their understanding of the program. While U.S. institutions are the applicant for OLF program, they must work closely with a Fulbright Visiting Scholar in preparing their application. As such, the OLF team may reach out to you if an institution expresses interest in bringing you to their campus for a visit.  Read on for other frequently asked questions from the Fulbright Scholar perspective, and remember to reach out if you have any questions or concerns at olf@iie.org

Am I Eligible to Participate in the OLF program?

To be approved for an OLF award, you must:   

  • Be a Fulbright Visiting Scholar or Scholar-in-Residence on an exchange of at least three months duration;
  • Have sufficient time remaining in your grant to undertake travel.  OLF Travel Award activities cannot take place during the last 30 days of a scholar's Fulbright exchange visit.  Scholars may receive a maximum of two OLF Travel Awards during their Fulbright Exchange. 
  • Meet the financial requirements as outlined below. 
  • Agree to complete all program and reporting requirements. 
How Many OLF Awards can I receive?

Fulbright Visiting Scholars may only be awarded two OLF travel awards during the period of their Fulbright exchange. 

What are the Financial Requirements for Receiving an OLF Award?

OLF benefits received by the Fulbright Visiting Scholar are taxable and can only be issued only to U.S. bank accounts. There are no exceptions. Therefore, in order to participate in the program and receive an OLF award, scholars MUST meet the following financial requirements:

  • Scholars must obtain and report their Social Security Number (SSN) or a valid Individual Taxpayer ID Number (ITIN) through IIE's participant portal. No exceptions. OLF awards are taxable. While the Fulbright Program will cover any taxes due related to an OLF award payment, it will require the Fulbrighter to complete a tax return for the year(s) in which they received OLF payments. IIE will provide tax information, services, and guidance when it is time to file your taxes.
  • Scholars MUST set up a U.S. bank account. The preferred and fastest way to receive payment is though IIePay, which utilizes Zelle, compatible with most US banks. In the event that Zelle is not possible, we are able to make payments via ACH transfer which requires additional documentation. Payments are NOT possible to international accounts or utilizing applications such as WISE, Venmo, or PayPal. 
How Do I Apply?

Fulbright Visiting Scholars cannot apply to the OLF program directly.  A representative from the inviting institution must fill out the application. Institutions may find you on their own by searching the OLF directory.  Alternatively, you can proactively seek institutions that may be interested in inviting you and applying for OLF Funding.  However, you connect with an institution, you will need to pre-plan activities together, and you will need to provide documentation to the institution that must be submitted with their OLF application. 

Where Can I Travel with the OLF Award?

Scholars must go to an eligible college or university and complete a set of required OLF activities during their visit (see eligibility for detail). OLF hosts may be located in the United States and any of its territories, including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. Eligible host institutions include Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, Small Liberal Arts colleges or geographically underrepresented regions.  Other institutions may participate, but must partner with an eligible institution to be approved.   

OLF awards may NOT be used to support conference attendance or registration or for personal research endeavors or vacation travel. 

How Do I find an Institution to host me?

As there are a very large number of eligible OLF host institutions (see eligibility), it can be challenging to know where to begin.  The program recommendation is to start with your primary host institution’s connections: ask your faculty associate host and colleagues about their contacts at other institutions that are eligible. As they are in your field, they likely have contacts at other institutions who would be interested in your expertise. Typically it is easier to have an institution apply to host you if someone, such as your Fulbright faculty host, introduces you. 

While it can be challenging to reach out to institutions directly if you don’t have an introduction, if you have identified an eligible institution you would like to visit but aren’t sure how to get in touch, we recommend engaging the Fulbright network.   Check if the institution has a Fulbright Scholar Liaison, a Fulbright Program Adviser or Fulbright Alumni Ambassador.  The Fulbright Association, which has regional chapters, may also be able to help connect you with a prospective host institution that meets OLF program eligibility requirements. 

May I Go to More than One Institution/Destination during an OLF Award Trip?

OLF awards are intended to support one roundtrip flight to and from a single location (from the scholar's primary host community to the OLF site and back). Multi-institution OLFs are supported and encouraged IF they are close to one another and part of the same application.  For example, a scholar could use one OLF award to go to Northern Virginia Community College and Howard University. Both institutions are located in the Washington, DC Metro area.  Multi-institution OLF awards are not permitted if they involve complex multi-sited travel arrangements and/or keep the Visiting Scholar away from their primary host institution for longer than one week.  

Who Will Arrange My Travel?

Scholars are responsible for making their own travel arrangements and should utilize the OLF award funding to cover their costs.  Scholars are responsible for keeping their travel costs within the award budget and should work closely with their OLF host institutions identify appropriate lodging and local transit plans.  Host institutions may offer to cover some local costs, which is allowed, but not required.     

How Much Funding will the OLF Award Provide?

If approved for an OLF award, the Fulbright Visiting Scholar will receive a flat amount of at least $1,500 total intended to cover the costs of their roundtrip travel and expenses for the duration of their 2-5 day OLF visit.  If an approved OLF institution is in a high cost location or an incentive state (see below), the final award amount will be higher and the scholar and host will know the final approved budget in advance of accepting the award.  The OLF program determines a flat rate budget for your proposed location.  Host Institutions are strongly encouraged but not required to arrange and cover the costs of lodging and local transportation during the OLF visit; awards will not be reduced if any such costs are covered by the inviting institution. Additionally, programs that include more than one institution or site as part of a single award proposal will not receive additional funding.  Finally, requests for reimbursement of costs incurred above and beyond the agreed-upon OLF award budget will not be considered.  

Increase your OLF Award by Visiting these States

The Fulbright Program and its Outreach Lecturing Fund strives to fund visits to all U.S. states each year.  Institutions in the following states have not frequently benefitted from Fulbright's Outreach Lecturing Fund in recent years. In an effort to foster greater geographic representation in the program, the Outreach Lecturing Fund will award an additional $500 to proposals from institutions in the following U.S. states:*

NevadaNew Hampshire
South DakotaWyoming

*This list will be updated periodically to reflect ongoing program trends and priorities.

How is the OLF Award Distributed?

Each OLF award is distributed directly to the Visiting Scholar in two installments. No financial awards are issued to applicant institutions. Enrollment in IIePay and a Social Security number is required to receive payment.   

Initial Payment:  Within 5 business days of award approval, all except the final $500 of the award is paid to the Fulbrighter. This amount will be at least $1000, but could be higher depending on your destination and final approved award budget.    

Final Payment:  Within five business days of receipt of all required scholar and institutional stories and photos, the final $500 is paid to the Fulbrighter.   

Important: If the OLF exchange visit is cancelled or does not proceed for any reason, contact IIE immediately at  with an explanation at  to determine next steps.  Unused awards must be paid back to the Fulbright Program/IIE. olf@iie.org

Can I bring my dependents with me on an OLF travel award?

The OLF awards are not intended to support travel for dependents. However, family members may accompany the Fulbrighter assuming the OLF host institution is supportive and suitable childcare arrangements are in place if needed. Scholars are responsible for making any necessary inquiries and arrangements to accommodate their families, and any associated costs of dependent travel is the responsibility of the scholar.

I am a Current Fulbright Visiting Scholar but I am not Listed in the OLF Directory. What Should I Do?

If you are a current Fulbright Visiting Scholar and you do not see your name in the directory, please contact us at OLF@iie.org. We can help determine why your name does not appear.